QoL Request - Renewing Mist during Soothing Mist

In my opinion, the new “Peer Into Peace” is a huge QoL improvement, feeling like it should have always been there.

I want to suggest/request the ability to being able to use Renewing Mist during the channel, not interrupting it (like Vivify, Enveloping Mist, Zen Impulse, Life Cocoon and Thunder Focus Tea). This would even fit thematically, like we already apply the Enveloping Mist.


It’s great they finally added this feature, although it should arguably have been native to Soothing Mist from the beginning. It’s definitely more than a QoL change. Similar to allowing ReM to be cast during the channel it amounts to a considerable HPS boost.

Kind of odd they’re adding so much support for SooM casting without creating talents that incentivize TP/BK/AT use. Could use a Vital Mists style talent that buffs EvM and Viv based on TP use. They also need to add a Way of the Crane type CD that buffs AT healing multiplier or physical damage for a short period to give it some on-demand oomph.

They could move Ancient Teachings & Peer into Peace to t2 talents as a choice node then add Way of the Crane & Clouded Focus as a follow up context choice to that talent node (similar to the druid talents). Maybe remove the overhealing cleave from PiP and add it to CF instead with a slightly higher modifier.

They also need to add some mobility to Soothing Mist. Talent to move at reduced speed while casting or one that allows you to use Transcendence or roll without breaking the channel.

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They’re 100% going to do something with Soothing Mist in the Master of Harmony hero tree, especially since Conduit of the Celestials has no SooM nodes. I suspect a “can move while channeling” QoL, maybe even another node to incentivise Brew to use SooM.


Yes, I complete agree with all of you here.

  • Renewing mists needs to be usable while channeling soothing mist, it’s one of our most pressed abilities but it kills soothing mists which stops clouded focus.

  • Soothing mists needs to be castable while moving.

Casting vivify which causes damage to heal is very interesting from the new hero talents. Unfortunately, the proc rate is very low. I think you should be able to shoot out a soothing mist with one hand and crackling jade lightning with the other hand simultaneously and have crackling jade lightning do more damage whenever you heal or whatever or bring back corrosive dosage.


this was also implemented before; and anyone who remembers that probably knows that it will never come back. or if it does in an extremely limited capacity.

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Agree that having RM castable during SM would be a good change. IMO SM should be moved off the GCD altogether so that we can actually duck out of LoS in PvP without risking a dead teammate during a damage spike. Casting while moving I think would be overpowered, though. Removing it from the GCD would be enough.

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