Q&A Behind the Scenes

If you want to be smart with me fine.

To your first snide remark. Fluff questions like the one you exampled is to be take humorously rather than seriously. You should know this. As far as an amazing stretch of absurdity? That in itself is an amazing stretch of absurdity.

I’m not saying the only questions that need answerd are the ones with high up votes. But perhaps the ones with high up votes and are repeatedly asked should. As far as not having an answer? There’s plenty of time to come up with an answer.

Your third statement is 50/50 agreeable.

If I really have to answer “what got worse” you clearly don’t spend enough time in game or reading the hundreds of threads regarding the same in-game issues. And besides what you think is awesome is really “subjective from person to person”. Sorry but you’re the minority here.

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Don’t tell Byucknah this.

It’s not entirely Ion/Bliz’s fault. Have you ever seen the threads or questions the players post?

It’s the same mindless, pointless, fluff questions they’ve asked since the expac began. Complain about rep grinding for allied races, azerite gear woes, warmode/faction imbalance …

Unless the players only hit them with hard hitting questions and stop recycling the same questions over and over again they’ll be able to cherry pick the fluffy as their out.

The issue is useless questions like "I know you answered it already, but why remove portals?’ gets upvoted, giving Ion an easy question to answer, by repeating the old one.

Blame the players that upvote that garbage.

First off that question has not been answered is anything logical and you know this.

Its usually the way I like to roll on GD considering its the way that most all of GD rolls.

Oh yeah, I am sure the person who posted that in the Q&A thread was thinking “Imma make a goof of a question so everyone can have a good chortle” just like all those “Fire Ion” threads we had a few months back. Its all for the lawls, right? Nothing but some goofin.

Oh, believe me my dude… I know GD, I know GD VERY well. Its why I know when and when not to pull out the snark/sass such as when someone tries to say posts going on about how the dev team needs to be replace or Ion be fired are merely light hearted goofs.

Its all for fun, yeah?

Ah, ya got me there. Really showed me what for.

Nah, see, the thing is that trying to play up this insecure idea that “Ion does not answer the questions I care about because they are too hard/would tackle the real problems” is an absurdity that GD tries to sing day in and day out every Q&A because no matter whats discussed someone is going to be upset and use it as a safety net to their arguments.

Well good, because that’s not how it works anyway. I can attest to that.

So questions like “When will we get our flying back?” even though that was confirmed for 8.2 a long time ago?

Or “When will the Azerite System be fixed?” even though major changes were outlined for 8.2 at Blizzcon going over how Azerite Pieces will no longer require levels in 8.2 to choose and how the neck will get an artifact like trait tree?

Or “I hate Island Expeditions, when are you going to remove them?”


Out of curiosity, since you have not stated in your original post or this follow up, what question exactly is it that you want to see answered that you feel has been asked a lot and not responded to?

Oh yeah, no, I am sure they stop work on the game and spend weeks mulling over and thinking up responses to the Q&A. Honestly, I would bet money that Ion does not have nearly as much prep time as you guys think for the Q&A’s. Id hazard a guess that its scheduled like a meeting, he comes in, does his thing, then goes back to work as normal.

And again, there are just some questions they can’t give a straight answer to either because they don’t have a valid solution yet, they don’t want to give away too much information and spoil something, or even that things could change and they don’t want to promise one thing and then not deliver because they changed their stance on an issue.

Its not as black and white as you want to paint it, my dude.

What can I say, its right 50% of the time 100% of the time ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Okay… I mean, just kinda comes off more like you don’t have an answer to the question yourself though… Again, from my side of things 8.1 has been pretty good so I am not quite sure what specifically you are talking about, and if you don’t want to elaborate then its literally impossible to empathize.

Everyone on these forums is the minority considering how small a representation of the player base the forums are. With that said, I would safely bet on the size of my minority in this community being a bit bigger, tight knit, and organized than your minority :wink:

Don’t tell me what?

Nah, that’s what the big streamers on Twitch are for. Just as I am sure the Reddit AMA Q&A inside the World of Warcraft subreddit was to advertise the game.

Advertising the game with a Q&A of all things though… /shakehead

Just like how the more you pay attention to the world around you that you realize that the Mayan’s are still alive and were actually reptoids that are currently plotting the downfall of humanity but got delayed past their original 2012 plans.

Come on man… That’s literally how this paranoid, anti-blizzard, propaganda sounds… its so far out there that it would break even the stretchiest of stretch armstrongs…

What have they specifically promised that has yet to come true? And don’t say Zarhym’s promise of Incubus alternatives to Succubus!

Or Ghost Crawler promising a pony for everyone!

Those are both off limits.

Portals have been answered, its just an answer you don’t like. Frankly its an answer I don’t like and disagree with, but they gave an answer.
