Q&A and BFA Feedback for the Devs

The concept of seasons doesn’t work in a MMORPG like WoW which features raid tiers. You basically are forced to cut raid tiers short.

And raid tiers in the past were meant to be content to be used as a bridge to ascend to the next raid tier.

Currently with the seasons approach everyone just skips Uldir and pretends it doesn’t exist. Sad.


Not only that, in my view it becomes a ton of wasted development time when raid tiers are seasonal as well. Expansions being seasonal is OK, raid tiers are not OK. Just my humble opinion.


Sure is alot to read. No doubt.

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I agree with you. I always wanted more RPG elements added to WoW, even back in classic. The drive for convenience and accessibility undermines the depth and community of MMOs. I’d like to be able to customize even my mounts through gear or stats. I think you’re right about the 2 different crowds as well. By pleasing one, you’re going to chase off another. The convenience crowd is not as loyal or passionate as us, however. They’ll just move on to the next thing. Just look at us. We’re still around when the game isn’t doing so hot. Them? They have that fast food mentality. So why are they the ones being catered to? I’m not sure I can answer that.


Great post , so much effort put in and can’t really argue against it.

I quit 6 weeks ago i was going to stay for BDO but after a couple of clears on HC i just couldn’t be bothered. I don’t know who 2019 WoW is aimed at but i know its not aimed at me anymore.


Is there any points you’d like to add? I know I didn’t hit on everything. Is there one big thing I didn’t mention that you would like to see changed or addressed differently?

Just gonna pull this out here so everyone has a chance to digest this one. Won’t try and mansplain what you’ve already plainly stated in written English - it stands on it’s own.

I really wish the devs weren’t so condescending. I reckon there will be an inflection point at which someone up your food chain realizes your little dog-n-pony shows are having an adverse effect and you’ll be forced to change your tune, but unfortunately it seems that time has not yet come.


I want to clarify that I have no issue with the Devs. This isn’t even something Lore probably intends, or at least I would hope not. Just because it comes off a certain way does not mean that it was intended that way. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt, although I have my doubts. It was an appeal for him to be more mindful of his interactions.

“still don’t even understand the difference, uses, and application of Versatility and Mastery.”

The definition of mastery keeps changing, so it’s no wonder you dont understand it. Neither do most players.

And next week , they will change it again.

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I am ? News to me. I guess blizzard must have laid me off secretly somewhere along the line because they sure haven’t been sending me money.

I am betting most of the people that think these are such great ideas didn’t even read his entire post. People equate quantity with quality too much on this forum .

I agree with pretty much everything you wrote, doubt it’ll matter though as we’ve all said this for years now and the game continues towards becoming a single player game that happens to have multiplayer components.

I disagree with your comments concerning Lore during the Q and A. Nothing about his actions in that came across to me as condescending, snide, or smug. Just sounded like someone trying to help fine tune answers.


Lore’s comments are mostly a waste of time though. Last time it was almost like they only had a few questions they wanted to answer and he was wasting as much time as they could justify that.

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Spot on post. I feel it most with jewelcrafting and professions as a whole. Especially coming from ff14 they feel rediculously gutted and hollow. Whats the point of being a jc if gear only sometimes maybe has a socket if you’re lucky. Also what is the point of a profession which used to be used to help guildies gear (y’know that community thing the devs keep speaking about but not really acting towards fostering) or make gold when you have to have the profession to use the top tier items in it. That makes no sense whatsoever from a player economy standpoint. All Gear should be enchantable not just rings. That adds a layer of personality to the game. I’m not a raider but in ff14 and cata I used to be able to help out my guildmates in other ways with professions. Now they just feel so empty (partially because of power inflation whats the point in making high ilvl gear when the item to make it drops from a raid that outgears it, but you also have to have the profession to use it so you cant use it to help guildies or alts) , and no a hammer that repairs one piece of gear once an hour doesn’t help.


Maybe to you, but to others not. I also remember people complaining about Ion not being clear enough in past Q and A’s. Particularly concerning Classic. What does “we know classic means classic” actually mean? The community cannot complain about answers requiring clarity, then complain when such clarity is offered.

So you would rather 5 questions answered instead of 10 and have a bunch of useless garbage added. Ok.

I actually have never had a problem understanding what Ion says and I don’t even recall others claiming they didn’t understand him.

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Completely disagree. I hated the way it worked in BC.

Stopped reading there. Utter nonsense.


Lore is a sounding board to move the topic along. Ian is the answer man.

I agree this has created a point of no return, but maybe just maybe enough people will hold on for 8.2 that they could save it but I will not be holding my breath.

It follows in line though wait for the spike of re subs at 9.0 and try again.

I’d rather 5 answers that make sense than 10 that don’t. I do remember people complaining. Heck pretty much the entire Classic forum was dedicated to different interpretations of those answers.

Everything OP said is spot on.

Except the portal section.

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