Pyrite Infuser from TW ulduar bugged

Timewalking Pyrite Infuser is listed as giving 189 str or agility on a proc, and it is only giving 51 when you hover over the buff.


I obtained this item as well in the timewalking dungeon and the item tooltip says “chance to increase your Agility or Strength by 189” and hovering over the proc icon, the tooltip says “52”.


I am having the same issue, the buff reads “Pyrite Infusion: Primary stat increased by 52”

Just noticed this today as well, buff definitely reads as only 52 Strength when moused over.

I would say you guys should stop reporting this, but it’s probably too late and either way I’d have to explain myself… So, it’s just the tooltip that’s bugged. Open your character panel and wait for it to proc it will show the correct number. However, with its 10 second proc DOES NOT come with a 45 second ICD as the original had. I honestly can’t imagine that’s intentional because on a 3m 26s fight with an insane amount of AOE on my DH, the trinket procced 4 times but refreshed 5 times, total uptime was 1m 15s (36%). I’m in love, but again it’s probably not intentional, unless it is in which case I can’t wait for Firelands Timewalking.

Additionally, the Timewalking version of Mjolnir Runestone (tooltip also bugged but gives correct haste) also doesn’t have an ICD but has around 24% uptime for that same exact 3m 26s.

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