PvP Weapons of Conquest Update

The token just needs to be tradeable for 5 conquest heraldry on the vendor also. Easy fix.

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This fury warrior thing is honestly one of the dumbest things Ive seen. why wouldnt I just switch to fury, get all the weapons I want, then go back to arms???

I’m going to be completely honest. This is still a massive waste.

First off, you have weapon-only embellishments that classes use and therefore are crafting a weapon already. So this is a pointless effort because a lot of people don’t care about getting this free weapon. Therefore, it’s imbalanced power creep on the classes who will use it versus the other people who dropped 10 heralds already.

Secondly, stats wise, some of these are not optimal choices and we’re crafting a weapon anyways.

Third, fury warriors didn’t know you were going to do this and already crafted a weapon so thanks? I guess?

I’m usually not this mean but anyone who even put more than 13 seconds of thought towards this and actually PvPs and played beta would tell you that a lot of specs weren’t going to benefit from this due to embellishments.

Now, lets talk about the other massive glaring hole that you refuse to fix… It’s impossible to multi-spec effectively in PvP. We have a constant healer shortage and yet you make PvP gearing impossible to multi-spec.

At the minimum, if you’re going to do this model, allow us to buy UNLIMITED PVP WEAPONS so we can play all specs? Who cares if we have 3 weapons versus 1? It changes nothing in pvp.

Don’t have weapon-only embellishments or disable embellishments in pvp.

This still doesn’t fix gearing. I would play preservation evoker a lot more but I want to gear for devastation. One wants mass haste and the other wants mass mastery. On the flip side, with your aggressive tuning post-release, you crush specs into the ground and make our gearing choices be horrendous for the now “best spec” on a given class, forcing tryhards into multiple characters of the same class to account for this. So you might gut marksman, and now nobody is geared appropriately for BM or survival. This actually makes me want to craft every non-tier piece so I can change them if this happens…

You need to change the gearing model to “I purchased a chest, and therefore I can buy ALL of the chests as many times as I want so that I can multi-spec” I just permanently unlocked conq chests for the season. This would allow more people to gear healer offspecs appropriately who don’t want to level two of the same class but want to primary a dps spec or handle your tuning changes.

This still doesn’t solve crafting so you need to allow us to disenchant pvp gear back into the heralds so we can recraft them into other pieces if we want to. Also, this should give 10 more heralds so we can account for the people who have to craft a weapon.

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BIG WIN FOR BLIZZARD. WELL DONE. Thank you for listening!

Great this change is pointless because anyone who was actually impacted by the issue ALREADY BOUGHT/CRAFTED THEIR WEAPON.

You need to Include the option to receive crafting Hearldries, or to convert the tokens into them instead.

Edit; Why on Gods green earth would blizzard cap MMR for rated PvP? This update to weapons is the one step forward and capping MMR is the two steps back. Up until now it was 3 steps back lol (4 if you include blizzard still allowing Que sync manipulators to go unpunished). I already have to wait 6 weeks just to get my 4 set bonus even if I already have the pieces for it. PLEASE STOP TIMEGATING EVERYTHING.


Rare blizzard win, when dealing its PVP matters. Ty

It’s great that fury warrior is getting some accomodations for using 2 2-handers. But what about classes like monk, hunter, and maybe others (can’t think of em offhand) that use guns AND 2-handers, or fist weapons AND staves. We have to buy an entire other weapon set just to play another spec, unlike other classes. Is this fair?

Really good update. Thanks for listening to the players!

100% this - this would be the real win.

Ah yes the 9 for free when my staff cost 10. Oh but then I also don’t get to use those for my other gear pieces because you have to use 9+1 to craft the staff. But hey, at least I get to craft the dagger instead and gain access back to some of my bugged transmog items including Skull of the Man’ari!

Based change.

Please give us the option to use the the tokens to buy conquest level heraldry tokens…as ret, the crit weapon sucked and I felt forced to craft my weapon using heraldry tokens. Now, I’ll be behind in the third week as a result of this change.


There isn´t a week so far in TWW with major changes, its like this expansion didnt had a BETA, oh wait but it had an early access, by now i already know that i wasted a bunch of time and resources in my pvp gear, resources am not getting back because this company is full of digusting, money grabbing miseres, with this change i think am done with this crap, this started with the lies abouth the pvp reward system, for people in blizzard; liying, cheating, trolling, deceiving, is way of living, its theirs culture and a way of doing things, this is a crappy expansion the only objectives is to get players to expend in tons of tokens and keep the wheel spinning, the classes are completly unbalanced, the match making system is a joke, the queues for SS take 20 to 40 minutes, the game is full of bugs new and others known for years, its just disgusting.

I agree with others that heraldrys must be an option for players who have/want to craft their weapon.

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I wasn’t unhappy with weapons but I’m very glad you made this change so those who didn’t want that weapon can now choose very excited for next week to get them

Excellent common sense change, well done

Nonsensical? You’re clearly very stupid. And I wouldn’t call it out usually but you’re sh*tting all over people and this awesome decision by the devs.

Needing 2x 2h is a DISADVANTAGE for Fury warrior. They have to pay that extra 2h cost just to do baseline damage and that usually means waiting 1 or 2 more lockouts to become fully equipped.

If anything, the reward can only be considered an “advantage” if the player’s main spec is Arms. But that ultimately boils down to a very minor nicety in stat choice options (if the stats are even different) for Arms player who will only use 1 of the weapons (or possibly one for pve and one for pvp). And they will probably prefer the one they are given anyway.

Zero other specs dual wield 2h and these weapons are not warbound so people who don’t have Fury warriors aren’t missing out eg they don’t need to make Fury warriors to have that “choice”.

Fury warriors rejoice! No need to wait more lockouts to feel complete like everyone else :slightly_smiling_face: