PVP vets, I have a question

Are diminishing returns or whatever not a thing? Chain stuns and other cc’s seem to be a bit much. Am I wrong? Somebody educate me please on the scene please as I’ve been out of touch for too long.

They are still a thing, go scatter trap someone and tell me if the trap is reduced.

I feel that most people don’t live beyond 18 seconds of CC. Just not sure all the cc’s are fair on casters or at least gives a distinct advantage to melee who can I guess. I’m sure I’m wrong and I’m missing something but stuns seem very strong.

That’s why I love my EMFH, even with a CD

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Even with a DR, I still love my HoJ/Warstomp combo finish on healers.

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I think the list of categories should be reduced to:

Those that break on damage
Those that don’t break on damage
Slows and roots.

CC’s should be a tool to control your opponent in order to give you the upper hand. It should not be used as a method to totally lock down someone until they are dead.


The only class trained in the Proper, Safe, and Effective use of CC in PVP are Rogues.

All others are just neophytes.

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That is not what the statement says. It says if you get stunned, for the next 18 seconds you are protected so that all other stuns will only last half as long. Then after 3 stuns you’re immune to stuns.

So the actual duration of a stun lock.
Kideny 6s
Cheap shot 1.5s (3s halved)
Cheap shot .5s (3s down by 75%)
Cheap shot stun immune

8s of actual stun. Not that long. It can feel like an eternity while stunned but if the rogue is using that much energy on stuns you shouldn’t die during it.


1v1 it’s not as much of a problem. But when you’re being focused by 2 or 3 AND you’re getting stun locked that’s when it REALLY sucks. Doesn’t happen often. But it happens 100% of the time when i’m the only person defending LH while everyone else rushed WW. But that’s PvP for ya.


For sure 2 people beating on you with 8-9s worth of stuns you can die (hence it’s hilarious when all the bad dps say things like it takes 3dps to take down a healer :joy:).

That being said the hope is that if 2 people are beating on you/stunning you for that long you have at least one other person helping you by stunning them, cc’ing them, healing you. Might not be… But

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It’s already bad enough having CC’s that break on damage, now you want to add more to the list? No ty

I’m not adding anything to any list. All cc’s already fit one of these three categories. The intent is to limit the number of DR categories so there is even less cc chaining.

For example. Currently Kidney Shot and Cyclone have different DR which allows them to be chained. With my suggestion, they both share the same DR because neither breaks on damage.

It’s just a suggestion because cc’s are still a bit ridiculous, even after The Great Pruning.

Well, you can’t damage someone who is cycloned so it kind of makes sense to not have it with the stun category.

If you have 2-3 people on you alone, sure. But you shouldn’t be in that situation to begin with.

But it’s not a method to completely lock someone down until they’re dead. Either the cc is used to lock down the healer until someone else is dead or you lock down a target while you try to kill it giving you the upper hand.

No single class has enough stuns and damage to kill someone in all the stuns in their kit (unless a drastic gear differences but that’s a separate issue).

Let’s not prune more stuff… Please.

I think some of you are missing the point of my suggestion. So let’s look at it from a different angle.

There are six categories of DR at the moment. Hypothetically, you can have a chain of six cc’s before any DR kicks in. What I’m suggesting is take all of the current cc’s and redistribute them among only three categories instead of six. This puts a smaller limit on the number of cc’s that can be chained.

This is not a good idea tbh.

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If you were hit with three different HoJ’s within an 18-second window, you would be stunned for 10.5 seconds of that window (6 seconds, then 3, then 1.5).

Mind you this is an absolute worst cast, fringe scenario that requires three separate enemies of a particular class to target you with their stuns for some stupid reason.

That’s also assuming you use no stun break.

It’s pretty fair, honestly.

Being hit with more than one stun within 18 seconds is more of an asset than not due to it resetting the timer.

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Here are two options

  1. Currently I can Incapacitate (Sap), Disorient (Blind), Silence, (Garotte), Stun (Kidney Shot). I can start with Sap, maybe force a trinket. Then silence with Garotte. Followed by a Kidney Shot stun. Finish with a Blind for a restealth. And start over because nothing is on DR.

  2. Break on damage (Sap, Blind). No break on damage (Garotte, Kidney Shot). Using the same sequence of events. Blind and Kidney Shot are on DR at 50% penalty making an out of combat restealth not practical. Using Vanish to reset the fight in not effective because, now, any of my next cc’s are at 25% penalty.

If i’m dishing it our, sure, I’ll take option 1. If I’m on the receiving end, option 2 is more appealing. All of the complaints you read about are from people on the receiving end.

If three Rets are focusing you, you probably won’t last 10.5 seconds.