PvP Vendors Shadowlands Confirmed?

When the conquest cap reward was rings, did anyone else choose the ring with the best stats, and then realize too late that they already had it from a RNG drop?

Uh… Just curious…

If they want gear obtained through a certain activity to be good for said activity than it would make sense to use a previous system that was implemented like gear scaling in instanced pvp.

certain activity = certain activity
pvp = pvp gear
??? not sure how scaling comes into your mind

Scaling means higher ilvl during that activity. So pvp gear scales during instanced pvp to a higher ilvl than that of its pve counterpart meaning more stats, meaning it’s better. It was in the game before

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you aint so mongloid bud

Oh man they’re gonna give us a weekly token we can buy to use for an extra roll at gear after an instanced pvp event ends.

Or better yet - In our weekly caches they’ll give us a currency that slowly accumulates eventually reaching a point where you can buy an upgrade token to boost your pvp gears ilvl!

Plz yes woo

Why do you say that?

since when did the conquest reward this xpac give best stats on any piece?

…asking for a friend :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

They’ve taken a dump on us since Warlords.

No1 cares anymore, this company is just a joke.