Voted. Yes I would love to see vendors back, but I’m realistically thinking it won’t happen.
Nope I know what you said. Scaling works well. Seems you didn’t fight good players.
Then lets you and me duel see how well you do, if gear isnt a issue
Np. I’ll be on at 11:45 pm est. Though it’s no secret I suck 1v1
Then it will prove nothing. But I highly doubt every single person less geared than me I meet in game is worse than me
It’s very possible though.
we shall see
Bump of the day.
The issue isn’t about whether or not players want it. Obviously players want a vendor for PVP gear. The question is, does Blizzard think a vendor would be good for the game. Their answer is no, it wouldn’t.
PVP was in a declined than they got Holinka someone that dose pve-pvp now it is in a bigger decline see the problem there. You cannot hire someone that PVE as much as he does and think it will help out PVP.
I do not know if the GM for PVE has even done any PVP If he has It has been Very little.
I’ve never heard Ion mention that he’s ever PVP’ed. Holinka at least claimed to “PVP every day”.
There a lot good post in here, why we need PVP Vendors.
Hes on a pvp realm but that’s all I have seen
What does that mean in the War Mode age?
Nothing but I am pretty sure that’s all he done pvp wise is just be on a pvp realm other then that hes just a raider
He did claim to run BG’s and/or Arena daily or something along those lines. Not to say that was true or anything, but Ion’s never even mentioned doing even that.
I don’t think he does or pvp at least would be better then it is right now. Took how long just to even nerf the broken pve crap from the raid
Is he even on the PVP team? I know he’s “back” to Warcraft after his “mystery project” (probably Immortal lol), but is he involved at all with this side of the game?
He gets cap out, then to the raids he goes he does not even go to BG’s Unless he’s got time after the raids.
Seems legit.