I think it was part of it. Also, in Legion, they finally gave what players said they wanted (again) with Templates, so there wasn’t a need for a pvp vendor. Templates turned out not to be something a lot of people wanted in the end. But the pvp vendors didn’t come back.
Can’t overlook as well the fact if PvP gets vendors, PvE will want them,too.
The GM could send one of his puppets to any thread to look around like this one. he could come in here and say I see some good ideas and I’ll be sure to pass them along. I’m sorry to say this, but with the declining numbers in PVP someone’s gotta be held accountable.
Now Ghostcrawler said that the PVP community is passionate about their PVP sometimes a little too much, but that show you how much they care.
I would take WoD and all the bad for what we have now.
For me, I had a blast, me and my buddy was running fire mages with a lot of haste and at that time most fire mages was running crit so we were just a little different.
We took this and made it work with haste and damn did it work. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83kowG0XpjI&pbjreload=10
I enjoyed WoD pvp too. I had a horde and alliance priest, Druid, warlock, shaman at max level, all honor geared in a couple of days, so I could switch it up depending on what I felt like playing. My friends list was a lot more active back then too.
I don’t think they can blame it on PvP vendors in particular. They’ve always had trouble with various types of bots. There are bots for farming mats and such, and there were tons of bots farming old instances.
It was a joke to just watch gaggles of them come and go from Hellfire instances and the ones near Ulduar back in like MoP (I skipped the past couple expacs, so I can’t speak to that timeframe, I just know I’ve personally never seen the game bot free).