PVP Vendor

I’m hoping to ask for very basic advice on how to best spend Honor points on my new level 70 Mage. I’m trying to gear up for raiding and heroics and have some Honor points but no Marks. I’m having trouble finding relevant pre-raid BiS lists that account for the phase we’re in and what’s available now with Honor. So, a couple of quick questions.

Is the vendor I should be checking in Area 52?

What’s the latest/best gear that’s available with Honor? (I’m thinking a weapon might be the best slot, perhaps.)

Are there pieces that are significantly better that I can acquire with some Marks and Honor?

Sorry for the rudimentary questions, but I’m not really a PVP’er. Thanks!

Season 3 gear and season 2 gear are available for purchase in area 52, Nagrand near the Nagrand arena. Additional season 3 vendors can also be found in shatt in 3 areas. 1 near alder hearth. 1 near scryer hearth. 1 near the goblins who let you queue for arena.

Season 2 and season 3 gear cost arena points. Season 2 is half off. Season 3 is full price, with rating requirements for shoulders and main hand weapon.

Season 1 gear, along with season 3 honor gear, can be found in SW champion hall, and in orgrimmar, though I am unfamiliar with the name of the exact location. Season 1 gear costs honor.

When season 4 is released in the near future (no date or time yet, but will happen will sunwell comes out), season 2 gear will cost honor instead of being half cost arena points. Just something to be aware of.

Another thing to be aware of, is when season 4 begins, you will be able to buy season 4 gear. However, they will remove season 3 honor gear. So if you do not have the best luck, I would personally suggest picking up the season 3 ring so that you can acquire both season 3 and season 4.

Many people were upset that they removed season 2 ring when season 3 was released. So I figured I’d bring that to attention. Especially since it is possible to wear season 2 and season 3 rings at the same time. Where in the future it will be season 3 and season 4 rings instead.

Personally I suggest running Kara or ZA for your weapon, as the season 1 weapon (epic quality one, not to be confused with the blue one that can still be bought at a greatly reduced price) costs a large amount of honor, and is roughly the same as a Kara weapon, and slightly worse than a ZA weapon.

If your luck is terrible, you could grind honor.

If you wish to grind honor, I would suggest spamming AV only even after you get 100 marks. Do your spirit tower daily quest for 800 honor. If possible, do the daily hellfire tower quest for another 800 honor. As well as doing the BG of the day quest.

Personally, as a pvper, I think the honor grind is tedious, boring, mind numbing and toxic. Its slow, stale and quite frankly too long. So I personally wouldn’t attempt to grind it as fast as possible. You’ll lose sanity that way. I’ve grinded honor on 3 characters and its not fun. It’s quite frankly terrible and if it wasn’t a forced requirement for arena game play, I wouldn’t do it. I go lengths to explain this as I wouldn’t wish for any one to suffer or endure the agony that is the honor grind. So if you do, God speed and good luck.

Lastly, make sure to make a 2s team and play 10 games a week for around 270 arena points. You do NOT have to win in order to get your arena points on Tuesday. However, the higher the rating, the more points you will get.

It is, in my opinion, best for you to save your arena points so that when the season ends, you can buy season 3 gear for half off. Once the season ends, you get one week to spend your arena points. After that week passes, any remaining arena points will be converted to honor. Rating restrictions on weapon and shoulders will also be removed from season 3 gear when the season ends.

When season 4 is released, season 3 and season 4 gear will cost arena points. Season 2 gear will cost honor, and season 1 will be removed from the game.

Note that the honor pieces consist of neck, back, wrist, waist and boots. These pieces will always cost honor. Never arena points. The 5 set and weapons cost arena points, unless its an older season as explained above.

I hope this information helps. I would help with the other questions, however, I know not the answers, so I hope this will help you in your decision making.


This is extremely helpful! Thank you very much! I visited the vendors in SW and believe I got the gist. Now, to figure out which piece to buy first . . . .

Thank you, again, gentleman Tauren!

Buy s1 staff, get the heart of darkness bracers crafted for like 500g, get a belt of blasting for 500g, go do a ZA and hope you can upgrade some stuff. A pug za would probably be difficult to find, so if you have connections with friends or a guild that’s your best bet. Otherwise, do karazhan and try to get some choice pieces there.

If you’re still doing 5mans, get the hit/crit/sp neck from shadow labs second boss. If you are a tailor, invest in boots of blasting. If you run a Kara, at minimum you’ll upgrade a ring.

Thanks, Zagara. Yes, I’m a Tailor. I’m broke at the moment (spent all my gold on fast flying and Spellcloth) so additional BoE items may take a little while. I will keep an eye on the items you mentioned.

I do have the Engineering Goggles, and the 3 pieces of Spellfire. I’m dying to get the T5 set to make Arcane do its thing, but that is more of a medium-to-long-term goal. I noticed that Gladiator’s War Staff and also the Gladiator’s Spellblade. I suppose I’ll need to figure out how soon I’ll be able to find a worthy off-hand to go with the sword or a replacement weapon.

I really appreciate your input!

The same vendor also has the off-hand books. But yes, good choice. Weapons are hard to come by pre-raid.

Yes i believe Area 52 is the go to spot now.

I would recommend buying the pvp staff and aiming for the kara dagger, gruul sword, or a zul aman dagger/sword and getting the badge of justice offhand with haste. It might seem silly to get a weapon to upgrade a weapon, but it helps you look better on gear inspects and if you aim to join a raiding guild it shows you can put in some effort.

If gold is your thing right now, I’d craft some bags with cloth or grind a low cost recipe to make blues that disenchant to large prismatic, arcanoweave bracers come to mind.

You can also earn gold via heroics passively while grinding badges

That was a very long post, and I read every bit of it.

Thank you.

Get the resilience blue set from reputations and spend honor on everything else. Once all the other slots are done then start replacing blues for the purple set.

They’re pveing

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