PvP vendor update 9/16

Heroic raid gear is only i213, On wowhead duelist sinful gladiator gear/weapons shows i226 base which is mythic raid ilvl.

Idk how accurate that is or if you upgrade conquest gear like honor gear, but if that’s the case then I would say pvp gear is looking pretty good.


So does the vendor update w/my rating?

Unless PVP gear acquisition got a lot faster and with better ilvl, what is the point of this?

Everyone will be able to gear for PVP via M+ much faster. Aside from 2 trinkets, my guess is that all gear for PVP will be earned in PVE, yet again.


I honestly dont think the percent value has to be that high with how dmg is scaled in PvP rn.

Even just a 5-10% increase paired with something like a badge or insignia trinket imo will outpace PvE trinkets.

I think the reasons PvE trinkets feels so oppressive and things like badge / insignia / stat sticks feel so meh is our dmg tuning. Our abilities dont feel meaningful outside of big CDs like badge / bote etc.

In Slands almost my entire toolkit feels like it does dmg. Being able to burst a lot of classes in pvp without even using on use trinkets etc feels great. Toss in those throughput trinkets + 5-10% amp for 2 set and they will outpace PvE things or at worst break even.


I think your ability to upgrade the item at the vendor unlocks when you hit a new rating bracket. Kind of like how the current trophy system upgrades in BFA when you turn in 40 notes.

I’d imagine the button will be greyed out until your have the conquest required and the rating.

Yeah, but if its giving us a 5-10% amp when we’re capped at around 20% verse rn, that means trinket bonus has to be 50%.

Do you think trinket bonus is going to be 50% lol

The best way to deal with incoming damage that is out of control is to mitigate it through defensives or stopping damage entirely, which some of the pve trinkets do.

This is my biggest worry that we will not be getting ilvl jumps from brackets when we buy the item but simply allow us to put more conquest points into upgrading an item.

It can potentially be a very large time sink with a capped resource.

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that need to be looked into asap… i aint grinding r14 in SL

Im hoping the set bonus ignores DRs and just adds a flat % after factoring in our Vers or the set bonus is going to be very lackluster.

This is the main worry, we’re putting a lot of faith in this thread in Blizzard to do this optimally, and that is a horrifying thought.


My hope is that the amount of conquest given easily allows you to upgrade an item from base ilvl to max with 1-2 weeks worth of conquest, depending on the slot.

Jewelry , wrists, belt, boots, gloves, helm, shoulders should take 1 week if currency above 2100+

Weapons, 1 hander + off handed, chest, legs should take 2 weeks

If your 2099 or lower, then it would
make a bit more sense for a few of these piece to require 3 weeks to max out since you would be receiving less conquest tokens.

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Yeah this is my concern as well is that by the middle of the season the necessary conquest to catch up just isn’t earnable for a character to be worth playing. If they don’t already have a catch up system for this like they do for renown then we need one immediately.

wasnt it wod where you would gain like stupid amounts of conquest points for doing arena / Ashran etc while in “catch up mode”

late mop and wod yes


Gains were the same but your cap increased by like 1500 or 1800 a week. So it was 1500 first week, 3k the next week, 4500 etc. So by like week 10 you could fully conquest gear a character in a week.

Yes I remember it giving you a number like 0/7100 conquest, and it would fill up very quickly until you were back at the weekly maximum.

love to see Blizzard taking action on community feedback!

These are great changes and definitely agree that if players want to be best optimized that they should be branching into both PvE + PvP. I think it would be great if a BiS item came from PvP though. By that i mean a BiS that would be BiS for both PvE + PvP. That is if branching out across multiple types of content is the actual goal.

Would love to see updates on the speed of gearing through honor gear. As it stands it takes ~600 BGs played or 156 hours of straight BG time to get a full set of highest level Honor Gear. The equivalent to a full set of Mythic 0. Something tells me that the number of hours to obtain a full set should be tweaked?

Also will add I personally like Mythic Dungeons, especially at the start of expansions and know that most will be supplementing pieces of dungeon with those armor pieces.

My hope is that the vendors baseline gear is raised by your rating.

If im 2400 I can get a max lvl conqeust piece for my conquest.
If im 2100 I only need to upgrade it once
If im 1800 I need to upgrade it twice
If im 1600 I need to upgrade it 3 times
IF im unranked need to upgrade 4 times

This will allow us to potentially hold off on spending conquest and save it up if we are able to push into the next bracket without the upgrade. This will also extremely help with conquest catch up later on in the season.

If im able to make an honor set. Push to 1800-2100 with an honor set then start purchasing pieces the pacing of fully gearing alts would be pretty nice


By the time you have upgrade one piece of honor gear, you will have a full M+ set that is better than all the PVP honor gear.

This is another PVE to PVP expansion…


ima need to wait and see how this plays out in practice. ilevels still looks like its gonna be really low and if the set bonus isnt strong enough its not gonna matter.

Also what about upgrades to your baseline gear? If i buy the (conquest) weapon at 1600 do i have to buy another entire weapon at 2400? Or can i just upgrade it once i hit 2400 somehow.

Seems like to little to late for me.

Right now as it looks, its gonna be a million times more efficient to raid/m+ for pvp gear.

These changes are medicore at best.

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