PvP tunings 8/1

Yet here you are lol.

Its cause im now playing fury so ty blizz

on a public forum voicing my own thoughts, None of which require validation from any of you

Talking on a forum doesnt =needing validation

Unlike making a post that says this

or this

or this

Both of you are seeking validation and its quite sad


u ever heard of blood rage?

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That’s actually bragging. About validation I have(unlike you)already received

You’re not even wrong that it’s petty and childish, but if you can’t get over it then so are you

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you make it so easy

Fdk/fury should never be viable.


Pretty tame nerfs for WW/Uhdk honestly. I’m never for fury getting buffs, really hope frost dk doesn’t come back.

No mage/rogue or further boomkin nerfs, no bueno .

Nice fury damage buff…see the throw damage approach of tuning is working great.

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This guy is probably in holidays for the next century cause still 0 outlaw buff the most awful spec in this game.

Hmmm so they nerfed Rsk crit damage and serenity but buffed rsk 10% to compensate last tuning and now they reverting that buff so monk got the shaft again.


just what we needed…

Lol what??

Even I have screenshots of him!

Alas, I can’t post them :frowning:

Fury warrior has a root break on 20 second cooldown

Yea I experience it every month

An off global root break that gives you 40 rage. :dracthyr_yay_animated:

Yeah it’s really good. You don’t wanna sit in roots all day not smacking stuff.

9% on RSK, isn’t that a slap on the wrist?

But I agree, certain classes dont get fixed for ages like sub and moonkin. Or it could be because of AWC cups and them not wanting to distrupt the teams.

RSK is by far our top ST ability, it basically negates the 10% PVE buff we got last week which means the PVP RSK nerf we got last week will actually effect it

Which means RSK will now be hitting the lowest its ever hit since the beginning of S2

but WW will overall still be good because of the defensive buffs.