was it not you specifically citing the rogue dev’s personal life as a known reason for slow changes
maybe that was bandit
was it not you specifically citing the rogue dev’s personal life as a known reason for slow changes
maybe that was bandit
Yolo 10 char
Not 10%.
They did the math.
Do it for me cause I’m out of country and cannot q my beloved dual wield FDK.
it was indeed the only other outlaw rogue on these forums
Devs heard everyone talking about arms low damage and mixed up the spec to buff.
Devs saw all the forum threads with titles saying Arms is now OP, so they didn’t bother checking if Arms needs more help.
Just barely survived a 900 cr WW/Enh/Arms lobby where I was full geared and they’re all in blues. I’m out.
Well he had a 50% chance of getting it right. You win some, you lose some.
There it is!
Buff Prot.
ironic that you would say that because the changes im advocating for are changes that most players would be thrilled to see implemented in the game
i already made a post about it, and while the damage buffs are nice and all its still a meaningless change and wont change the extremely lame to play, and play against playstyle the spec has
Fdks defensive kit is what needs to be addressed at this point, Until then youre going to still see running in with full cds, doing a go, And then fully running away and spamming chains hugging LoS waiting for cds to come back
All fdks want is to stop playing like a rogue, and to start playing like a plate melee again on the inside, Which would mean the death of evoker dk comps that you all love to glorify as S tier when they actually arent even remotely close to being such
Just had a non-crit execute for 95k and I’m like heavily invested in haste.
Ironic that you would think that I asked.
Why did fury get buffs lol?
That actually is roughly the math. They wanted to counteract the 10% pve buff it just got. 110% times 0.91 is 100.1% (so pretty close!)
Basically they just forgot the “this doesn’t apply to pvp” tag.
I’m pretty sure this is a nerf. It looks like they didn’t put in the pillar nerf, so FDK’s have been secret double buff juiced for the last several weeks LMAO
yeah xeek’s just a gamer ig
maybe, but the amount of damage all the abilities do is being buffed again in this pass, right?
tbf I was surprised when I saw WW’s 10% RSK PVE buff was also getting applied to PVP last week. I bet they just forgot to not make it effective in PVP and are applying it now
They need to stop buffing fury or arms.