PVP Tuning is in!

rmp demodk dhboomkin and jungle all avoided any big changes making them still the dominant ladder meta

mw buffs and the fact that they can heal demodk and dhboom means they’ll have big t1 access

fury changes are really good
ret changes are good enough when you pair them with the necro banner change

honestly cannot believe they didn’t nerf the kyrian rogue legendary/conduit or abomb limb legendary/conduit
that’s actually a major L
but otherwise sosick


demo got a buff XD

dark pact potentially worth it into certain comps

also how come sv tier completely untouched?


mw buffs the class already does insane healing when they freecast lol, class can’t oom and you cant kill through their freecasting, interesting.


No sepsis nerfs, shadowy duel still in the game, and outlaw getting a slap on the wrist are top kek.

Essence drain being 36% dr now stacking slightly faster makes me worried.

  • [With realm restarts] Dark Pact (Talent) now provides an absorb shield based on 300% of health sacrificed in PvP combat (was 250%).

This needs to not happen and Rogues just need Disarm removed till DF. lol

Yeah, basically what I said to the person who told me about the changes. I honestly don’t know if I’m going to bother playing if the meta shifts to MW/X every game.


i fotm’d mw before it was cool ig

they nerfed the survivability of the comp overall with the hpriest/fmage nerfs to. All i see coming from this though is them finding a new healer, maybe the newly buffed MW lol

mw should get way of the crane back so they can go demon mode :smiling_imp:


essence drain nerf? like, can someone explain it to me

It’s a buff.

Live: 5% reduced damage per tick, up to 5 times (25% total)
Hotfix on Tuesday: 9% reduced damage per tick, up to 4 times (36% total)

So it’ll reduce damage more and stack faster.

Wow Mistweavers finally got changes that don’t actually address any of the issues we have…



lol how did sepsis not get nerfed?


what do you think the best way to handle mws issues would be

having to fumble globals to heal and being super killable by high mobility high damage cleaves seems like an issue with the mw kit and the game together

i cant see anything short of making renewing mist basically riptide and their wall 2 min cd 40% damage reduction being what mw players want

i want it to actually be worth going in melee range to do stuff outside of legsweep and the hail mary touch of death personally.

damage is so incredibly low on mw compared to any other healer yet it risks the most to get it off. it doesnt (and shouldnt) be anything crazy, but it should be something.

that’s my only main gripe with mw.

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The biggest issue MWs currently have in my opinion is that they need 2-3 full globals to start getting out meaningful healing to counteract burst that’s coming in, which really isn’t in line with what other healers are capable of doing.

If Blizzard were to change the global on soothing mist to make it half of what it currently is that would be a massive help towards that. However, if that type of change were made they would definitely have to nerf our throughput to compensate, because as of right now if we’re able to freecast our healing is insane, but I think a lot of people don’t realize just how high it is because it’s not a singular large number like NS regrowth or serenity into guardian, instead it’s more like a 10k+16k+10k+5k+4k+10k all in a single global press while channeling.

MW really isn’t very pug friendly right now, if you have good partners that you’re in voice with that you can coordinate peels with the kiting issue isn’t as big of a deal anymore that we can port while stunned. I don’t necessarily think they should buff base MW mobility as it’s already strong, if anything it should be indirectly buffed by slight nerfs onto dps specs that have too much mobility (it’s mostly a problem due to added mobility through covenants which should hopefully be leaving in Dragonflight).

Since you touched on fort brew, it still perplexes me that it was 20% DR and 20% max health on a 1.5 minute CD in BFA changed to 15%/15% on a 3 minute cd that you can’t use while stunned in SL…which i feel is insanely out of line with the personal defensives other healers currently have. I believe a reasonable buff to fort brew would be to reduce the CD to 2 minutes so it can line up with most offensive cooldowns from DPS specs.


MW got indirectly buffed by having some melee classes nerfed such as warrior, ret. MW has been decent into wizards and struggled to react to classes like fury war (which is a lot of the ladder) which would passively bladestorm disarms. Now there will be a lot more wizards on the ladder which again indirectly buffs MW as mw is good into wizards like afflock, spriest, ele (can play healing spheres vs all 3 specs). MW is also really good at healing wizards before the buffs and now it will be even better with the melee nerfs, hpriest chastise nerf, and buffs. MW can also play wizards and potentially drop aura mastery for short cocoon now.


If you are dumb enough to stay on the ret it’s your problem


Very true, having a more caster heavy meta that is slightly slower 100% benefits MW over all other healers.

these rmp nerfs will breath life into the pvp scene