PvP Tuning Incoming - February 26

and where is the fun as a healer to just run out of mana…why nerf the mana regen or increase the mana cost of spells…Rdruid do too much healing…nerf all heals in instanced pvp areas by 2%…still do more than all other healers…another 2% next week…till it match the other healers hps in arena, locks are too tanky? nerf demon armor by 5%…not enough…another 5% next week? why is it so hard…having to try to drink 10 times in a freaking game is no fun…meaby someday they will realise it


This change would be less frustrating IF focused growth actually made Lifebloom itself stack to 3 instead of a single buff. Just like it was before: you get purged once, you now have 2 stacks of lifebloom. Right now have fun losing your 3 stacks because Joe the shaman has purged your one lifebloom.

There has been nonstop feedback that the mana change is awful, that the current meta is awful, and that deep dampening is a huge issue right now and the only thing you guys can think to nerf are rdruids (which is deserved, don’t mistake my forum avatar for someone who plays a lot of rdruid)?

Not sure about the bonded souls change, can’t comment.


Crap our 30 day vacation is up and we didn’t do jack squat during that time, what do we need to do? Idk rdruids seem strong, let’s just adjust a pvp talent a bit. Also we saw a screenshot of bonded souls doing a lot of healing so that must be what’s wrong.

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give me a downvote option


I’m not saying it wasn’t needed, all I’m saying is that it’s just stupid they nerfed it ALONE without addressing any of the other 4.353.784 known issues with the game. Also, is funny how they portrait it on their message, which is basically saying “we nerfed it so you now have to choose something else” … that’s pretty stupid IMO.


You ever try playing a healer that isn’t RDruid in this meta? No? Oh, I wonder why. Could it possibly be because Blizzard has made healing as any class besides RDruid next to impossible? Could it also possibly be because in a dying game Blizzard has decided to make healing so much more cancer that none of the limited population will even play it anymore? Yep? I agree.


PVE Class balance pass?
People can see Warcraft logs…

You have 6 weeks worth of data to balance specs. Some are doing insane damage (lock/spriest) while others are in the gutter (both DK dps specs).

What is going on there guys?


Ahh but see the game is SO complicated! They need time to test things only internally before releasing changes. It’s not like they have some sort of test realm where they can easily apply changes and get people to test things for free!!


Fix it jesus…

Lol…healers and resto druids.

Zero disc priests in our last 3 tournaments. I know let’s nerf lifebloom a little bit.


Unreal…they are surely trolling…


This would be nice if it wasn’t the only change


that would be fine if Shaman can purge more than 4 times before going OOM.


This is really bad. I don’t know I don’t even feel like trying to play this game because its a chore. Clearly things are wrong and they refuse to do tuning unless cdew or X big streamer says anything.


bump this^


mind blown.

I mean CDew has repeatedly stated that this change is awful and it’s still here


The immediate response of 99% of PvP’ers after reading this! haha