I am just so exhausted from lock/mage meta.
Cue even more Destro Warlocks plaguing the ladder because this essentially just proved that they’re immune to any actual nerfs.
I hope that spec is utter trash in Shadowlands as their comeuppance.
Waiting til we get more vers so we can be caught up to where we were meanwhile locks get more haste and faster casts leading to more damage leading to more soulleech. Paired with strife fixes jungle just got a whole lot weaker into MLX. Devs all play lock.
cdew probably crying from joy
Yeah that spites back to its triple stacking cancer.
So what I am looking at this is that since you are letting spite stack, and destro isn’t getting nerfs, that we should go full cancer spite stack to counter locks? Am I wrong in this assumption?
reap change too, it was pretty cheesey to be fair
also if u judge a streamer’s character off wearing a blm shirt in 2020 then ur the problem
edit: the 2nd sentence was directed at a deleted message
Dude, it’s a terrible change and you know it. Nerf all stat amps by 33% or nerf all corruptions by 33% in pvp was CLEARLY the move if they wanted to go the usual lazy flat % nerf route.
god. its been like 20 years
And buff enh.
I’m fine with a defensive nerf to vers but to nerf the damage also is just complete utter stupidity. Woot melee cleaves deal less damage good thing im a .5 second casting destro lock with only haste!
these are terrible, but ok
try harder next 3 months when you do pvp hotfixes again
no possible way destro goes untouched LOL
Maybe blizzard should give them free subs so they play the game and then can understand it.
Destro continue to do the big dam to meeee!
This is bad.
Remove or nerf all of them. Not the one that allows people to deal with the random procs that hit for absurd amounts of damage. You’re valuing lucky RNG gameplay over calculated stat-building.
Why are cheesy mechanics like Tentacles or Twilight Devastation or Arcane Stars valued PvP gameplay for y’all? There’s no skill involved.
If 3s last too far into dampening, just ramp up dampening.
They don’t care about vers or corruption scaling problem, otherwise they would just nerf all corruption or nerf only the defensive part of vers, or nerf conflict & strife.
They nerfed vers amp corruption specifically (leaving the surging one) because they know lots of playerbase spend time on them. Nerfing every corruption by 33% would be the correct move but generate the least amount of time played metric because everyone would not refarm corruption.
On ladder that’s a buff for rmp and mld.
Locks and mages stack mastery/haste on ladder.
Unless they nerf mastery/haste corruptions too this is no bueno.
Horrible hotfix