Destro need nerfs to their corruption effects. And fire mages need to be addressed. They’re been nerfed in SL so you know they are op, why not now?
Not a bad set of changes, but leaving the strongest pvp class untouched? Where the hell are the lock nerfs!!!
Why not nerf ALL stat amps and stat corruptions by 25% instead? Locks can easily stack haste and mastery amps and still get the defensive and offensive bonuses. And completely dont understand the spite changes?? If COVID hadn’t locked in everyone in North America, blizz would 100% be losing pretty much all their subs. Can’t wait til that happens.
n e r f w a r l o c k
if anyone from blizzard ends up coming back to this thread for whatever reason, i beg you PLEASE just cntrl F warlock
the absolute state of this game:
the blue post is universally disliked
Haha root doesn’t break on damage. Haha two stuns. Haha coil. Haha fear.
Horrible comparison. Literally makes no sense. Learn better analogies.
No it’s 6 seconds
No you have baseline hoj. Other healers like rdruid or mw have to talent into a stun. Hpal has to talent into repent/blind. You can have the exact same amount of cc
You are really showing your ignorance on how the game works lmao
I agree locks and mages just got even more on top. Why?
1.) gushing wound nerf indirectly buffed this comp, it was the only corruption for melee that may yield a win against mage/lock/MW
2.) Versatility was the only thing keeping people alive against mage/lock, now they will just die to pyroblasts and chaos bolts - again an indirect buff to mage/lock
3.) mage/lock are not affected by versatility nerf, they will just go full haste and speed cast chaos bolts and pyroblasts
Again, many terrible changes. I think they gave up on fixing pvp IMO.
I mean mages and lock’s were going vers and most lock’s and mages i know are still going to prio vers even after this nerf.
The class that benefited the most from this is rogue. I don’t think rmp will be as strong as MLx after this but it will be a lot closer.
What’s interesting is that mastery is on the vendor and it’s bis for fire mage pve, lock pvp cuz of the vers nerf.
It would surprise me if they do nerf locks and mages. But I highly doubt they’d do that. Time to gear up my lock.
imagine having a versatile defensive/offensive kit THIS ROBUST specifically designed to assist your lack of mobility and having the limited mental ability to genuinely believe
“b-b-but…if my destro lock isn’t tankier than a guardian druid how would i ever possibly live…no mobility…”
Can’t water it down any more than that, I’m afraid. Maybe try reading it again once you hit middle-school.
Paladin gets a baseline stun on a 60 sec CD, and either an AoE blind OR a non-spammable repentance. All dispellable. If you want a lower CD on the stun (50 sec), then you must forego both blind and repent. Low mobility.
Druid gets a baseline spammable root, a talented stun on a 50 sec CD, and a spammable cyclone that can’t be dispelled. They’re immune to polymorph, and can talent into Thorns which essentially forces a target-swap. High mobility.
Mistweaver gets a baseline AoE stun on a 60 sec CD, a talented Ring of Peace, baseline Paralysis on a 45 sec CD. High mobility.
We must be playing different games… Why not treat yourself to a Holy Paladin alt, given how they’re head-and-shoulders above every other healer, according to you.
i cant tell if you just dont know whats going on around you
like at all
or you’re passive aggressively exaggerating
both make you look dum
What was the point you were trying to make with your post, again?
i’m sorry was you being wrong about every single thing you said more relevant to the conversation?
I’m glad to see Life Cocoon nerfed, sad to see vers get nerfed, and no significant class changes also very disheartening, base stat nerfs help mages and rouges 100-0 classes in 20 second cc chains more effectively… this is a very sad change.
It’s shameless… it’s so transparent.
Of course a blood elf mage is saying this.
88% dampening AWC game btw, just gonna get worse. These little changes aren’t the answer.
Don’t worry guys when SL comes out they’re magically going to be able to make pvp fun and balanced. They’ve been failing for over a decade, but SL is the fix… just have faith and keep that sub up.
Good riddance!