PVP templates were needed

I wouldn’t go back to legion only because it had the worst wpvp and dueling was super dead

tbh, it’s like comparing :poop: to :poop: . /shrug

WoD was the best gearing fosho

“Oooo I almost have enough conquest to get my chest WAIT what’s this? By chance I got one after this win so now I can buy pants instead?” Endorphins Intensify

But no, let’s have players be forced to grind out content they don’t like in an attempt to force time played instead of giving them what they want and letting the play time come with it…

Rip to all my pvp homies who quit over the years because of this :frowning:

This is a big Doze feels BFA man moment.


Pvp vendor>Legion templates>BFA system

But yea with Ion and the current dev team templates are healthier for the game than what those apes do.

Edit: yea like holycow said its funny hearing the people say they like to customize their characters stats but i guarantee they just copy the same pvp stat script that others do aka haste vers which is 90% of specs favorite stat.

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We need a pvp stat and gear vendors. Which means they have to remove titanforging and corruption. Seems like an absolute win in my books.

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Ew trashcan

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In legion my unholy dk had over 100% mastery. Enter a bg or arena and boom 20% mastery and half the haste i should have. It was like playing a different class. It was so broken and dumb.

Templates should stay in the grave.

Blizz also needs to fix tooltips on abilities or az traits that work differently in pve vs pvp. A 50% (random number) nerf on things in pvp is kind of important info.


Man I feel this in my bones.
My monk at the end of legion had around 18% vers, 40 something mastery, and like 8% haste (being our worst stat the last 2 xpacs). Then I go into a bg: vers goes to like 7 or 8, mastery goes to 20 and haste goes up to 30 something.
It was loony

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and and and
He said he said