Pvp talents

So blizz i hear that soulswap is coming as a pvp talent.

if you’re going to do that im fine with that, however can you please get rid of rampant afflictions? That is a very hindering talent and is taking up a talent slot for us to swap between talents. With that said. Now that Soulswap is going to be a pvp talent which i understand pver’s don’t use that talent only pvper. Please be mindful of us warlocks. We now have 3 mandatory talents. Those being 1. rampant afflictions - 2. now soulswap - 3. Jinx. At this point with affliction warlocks. You may as well delete all the other talents because us pvpers are never going to use the other talents in pvp as affliction. All I am asking is to either give all classes an extra slot which will more than likely counter act affliction warlcocks because we are the only class dealing with this non sense, and to be fair we can’t be the only class with 4 pvp talents. Or you can simply get rid of the the most hindering talent in the game, Rampant afflictions.


UA should have its limit just removed with the dmg other classes are doing and make the healers have to think more about all their dispells


I very much agree. Being locked into 3 mandatory PvP talents is not the way, Blizz. There’s no choice. No flexibility. No fun.

Soulswap should be baseline, not even a talent choice in the Affliction tree. PvEers already didn’t use it often, but it’s extremely necessary in PvP.

Rampant Afflictions should be baseline. It wouldn’t even be broken in PvE. UA damage sucks right now, but if you really have to, just make UA do full damage if on one target - 25% less damage if on two targets - 50% less damage if on three targets.

Jinx is the only one of the three that I can accept being a PvP talent. But by addressing the two talents above you free up two talents for us to use situationally. As it is now, there’s no freedom.