PvP Sucks when Warriors are Good

MM hunter comps. Earth wall does wonders vs rapid fire.

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Yeah we toyed with one last night just to make him extra mad over losing double tap. lol

exactly my thoughts hahaha

everyone (including blizzard’s Devs) knew bringing back ignore pain and making warriors immortal again was a mistake, but they did it anyway, solution here:

  1. remove ignore pain or give it a 3min CD like every other CD that does something similar in other classes
  2. make armor actually mitigate damage, why tf a warrior hit as hard a warlock/ mage as a Paladin/DK ?? those last ones use PLATE an only-physical damage dealer is supposed to struggle against plate users. but rn armor is useless
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You have no idea the amount of buffs ignore pain would need for it to be worthy of a 3min cd. The reason its even usable is because its an off gcd rage dump. the second blizz makes it a 3 min cd its going to be way more powerful.

While I agree, the second plate armor starts mitigating physical damage for real these things happen; Dk becomes virtually unkillable, having some of the best anti-magic, and then being heavily anti physical all while self-healing. Rogues, Druids, Marks hunters, and any other pure physical non-plate-wearing class can no longer kill plate wearers. I mean hell look at how much hunters whine about warriors now and they have all the utility and damage they would need to deal with them.

theyre our fine atm cause arms has no self healing. i believe its the only class that has zero self healing

Arms has a good bit of self-healing. Impending victory, Bitter immunity, Second wind if you can pull it off, storm wall. Ignore pain (if we’re counting mitigation as healing).

Just increase the CD of charge

just give them MOP second wind back and remove some of theyre gap closers and walla fixed! :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

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Fixing something that isn’t broken. Just because arms doesnt fall on its face at the first sign of danger anymore doesnt mean it needs nerfs. if thats the case Demo lock is next in line before arms

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historically speaking the game is best when warriors are good and worst when they’re bad Lol


KEKW - YouTube

wahhh pvp suxz when im not the one thats op

nerf everything that isnt me so hard i can autoattack people to death as a caster or i sue

the big mean warrior hurt me remove mortal strike remove charge remove all their damage forever wahhhhh


Meanwhile Sin rogues kill people in openers, Frost can kill someone in a stun with snowdrift, arcane is flinging spirit bombs like Goku, Evokers are the only class to be more broken than S5 dks in WoW’s history.

You picked the worst stun in the game to highlight?

If people are dying in it, is it really the worst?

I just want to be able to escape them for more than a millisecond.


The class that makes pvp a giant pain when op is paladin.

Ret - holy magic damage, plate armor, probably still the best defensives in the game and when op will also nuke you. basically casual pvp god mode.

Holy/prot - unkillable rextroy raid boss crap

Yea some of their buffs are def not needed but guess we will see how it all works out.

Hm…… not sure on that

I don’t think ret should complain abt warrior being good but this is a bit of a weird take

This what happens when you try to nerf Warriors: