PvP should be about skill, not gear

Im writing today to plead for PvP players… I unsubed over a year ago due to the state of PvP. The grinding of azerite/artifact power put me into a casual category that I couldn’t break out of no matter how much better I was at PvP than the players I was up against. If I interrupt more spells, while pressing my damage more efficiently, and properly utilizing CC, I should win the match PERIOD. The whole point of PvP is to see who is better between two live players, not to see who has better gear. I re subscribed because I heard PvP was coming back in shadowlands. I wanted to get my chars up to 120 before the xpac drops so i could level for shadowlands PvP. I was honestly super excited until I started reading about the covenants.

Im not 15 anymore (when i first started playing) Im 25… I have a job, night classes, and a dog. I physically do not possess the amount of time necessary to be competitive at PvP in the current system, or any grind based system. Which is why i quit in the first place. If shadowlands has a similiar system where I need to spend an excessive amount of time doing chores, just to be able to be competitive in PvP, i will not BE ABLE to play. I simply can’t spend that much time on WoW every week and continue to move forward in my life. I will be forced to pick up a game like LoL again… Simply because i can start up anytime I want and be on an EVEN playing ground with all of the players. My knowledge and skill keeps me in Diamond league on LoL, regardless of the fact i only play 10 hours a week…

That being said, I love this game… It was an escape for me at a time when i really needed one… I WANT to be able to PvP again. Please allow people with other priorities to hop on and be competitive in PvP, I don’t see how that affects the try hards. If you are PvPing all day every day, you should be able to beat someone who plays casually based on virtue of the fact that practice makes perfect. Vice versa you should BE ABLE to beat someone who is playing all day every day, if you are a better player. It shouldn’t be that you have no chance regardless of your skill and intelligence. It won’t affect PvE players as the gear won’t be sufficient for top tier raiding. To sum it all up: I should lose matches because someone is playing better than me, not because someone has abilities and damage capabilities i don’t.

Thank you for reading,
Have a nice day!


Dear God…how does one read that wall of text


what a thoughtful response… should i condense it?


Na paragraphs would be nice tho


lol better?

Yep getting there

but you have no real opinion right… just had to comment on the lack of MLA format hahah


Read it for the plot about his night classes, job, and dog. 10/10


Then you have reached a place where you need to prioritize.

RL way more important than PvP dude.

WoW is a grindfest now, that isn’t changing anytime soon.


Well im glad everyone on these forums still choose to WILLFULLY miss the point (^_^)


Well, this is still an RPG, despite the myriad complaints over the last week. Lots of people want some sort of character progression, even in PvP. So, the gear isn’t going anywhere.

I agree, they should tone it down though. 15 ilvls reks people right now. :frowning:


Pvp should be combination of gear and skill. But gear shouldn’t overweight skill too much like it’s now.


Yeah another whiny post, masses of text, I skimmed.

its about both. Lol

but still felt the need to comment… I think that’s the problem with our society as a whole. We can’t be bothered to read 3 paragraphs before we start throwing out some bull half formed opinions


This back and forth just shows you’re trolling.

For sure man you’re absolutely correct it should be more about skill than it is ilvl which is why I’ve always promoted more ability additions and some might disagree but I still want to go back to the days where our pvp gear has gem slots and we can enchant most of our gear like in MoP. Since that at the end of the day is customization and it’s a mmorpg.

As a pvper since Tbc I agree bliz biggest mistake was removing vendors which are returning in SL the only concern now is if they do it right since the old honor/conquest system was prime. You grind some bg/arena and pick and choose your gear progress. For me personally it was perfect and the most you would want to do PvE for is maybe a trinket and THATS IT.

A lot of the pvp community has had enough its apparent the most ive seen pvpers spoke out in all my years was after MoP and specially now cince BFA opening cinematic straight baited so many pvpers back into the game after season 1 had a MASSIVE drop off of pvpers.

I would love to continue to enjoy wow like Pvers but if theres no reason to stay than I’m not going to hold onto false hope so my last stand is with Shadowlands and the new pvp & vendor system.


or maybe if you say something stupid, im gonna respond gasp


I agree that skill should be more important than gear. that is why i loved pvp gear. last time i saw it was WoD. it made it soooo easy to make an alt. pvp for a week or 2 and be almost on par pvp wise with top geared guys. ALTHOUGH i only really play healers so not sure how it was for dps alts and such.


It would be cool if they made it so that in Battlegrounds you would be equipped with faction issued gear like as if you’re just a soldier. However, in world pvp it’ll be with whatever you’ve put in the time to acquire. Battleground would truly be about skill at that point.