PVP Shadow covenant

Are people locked in to taking Venthyr or is anyone considering Necrolord for more survivability?

I sense that the overall community, who are SPs wanting to pvp, are leaning toward Venthyr. I’m happy about that as I want to spend my time in that covenant from an aesthetic, lore, and rp perspective.

Necrolord priest ability is getting a rework so we still have to see what’s coming.

For now Mindgames and Door of shadows + conduits from venthyr look the best ones for PvP.

I’m not sure how the night fae soulbinds hold up against the venthyr ones. That is what I am most concerned with. However, the mobility you get from night fae is way better than door of shadows, and you can’t get spell locked on it which is a godsend.

As far as fae spirits vs. Mind games, I think mind games comes out a bit ahead due to its game ending power on a low cd. If you can cast it on an enemy healer when their partner is low it’s basically gg if they can’t dispel it ASAP.

Night Fae soulbind is buggy and you get stuck in the terrain so hoping they fix that. Teleports are better overall though because you can fling yourself los to pop off some self-heals and stuff. It’s why I really liked the ripple in space amulet major for PvP on some maps.

Yes im going venthyr 150%.

Everything they have knocks everything out of the park currently for pvp.

Where’d you here it’s getting a rework? I’d love to have a ranged spell from them. The nova’s they’re trying to push onto all specs of priest is kinda lame.

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There is a blue post in the Priest’s feedback for shadowlands.

It seems really cool it’s just the cast time on door of shadows is so a$$ in my opinion, so the night fae mobility spell looks way better to me.

I’m primarily interested in the soulbind balance between the two. Mind games is also weird but I can see it being realllly good. Is it dispellable?

Yep its dispellable!

I suggest checking this video out he goes over the best picks for shadow regarding PVP might give you some helpful information to help you with your choice!

Soulbinds starts around 7:00 mark.


Appreciate the link! Great breakdown.

I’m gonna be necrolord regardless. Using flesh craft to block kidneys cyc etc and specifically that one soulbind thay gives us 20 percent of our hp in a shield if we drop below 50. 30 second cd. Idk. Ven def sounds better but necro sounds unbelievanly tanky. Not to mention mastrry build full stacked eruption then necrolord nova hits so hard.

Kyrian is also good for PvP.

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Yeah! I had seen this but thanks!

I also found out that during the night fae shapeshift duration, you can’t cast any other spells. You can only run around/blink for the 12 seconds. Still good, but not nearly as good as I was envisioning.

Funny how he’s playing the Kyrian covenant in that video…

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