PVP Season 4 ended: Wintrading, Cheating and boosting

I know the world is not fair, but I trully believe we can do something about it. So as the title says, this season went out of control.

We are all busy with WOTLK prepatch, but season just ended two days ago.
Some guy posted a spreadsheet on reddit and I checked it on the ladder (took me 5 minutes to check it). The conclusion was: 51% of the glad spots were sold by BlizzCon players (mostly in 3v3), so next time we see a gladiator title or a mount, we should ask ourselves if the guy paid for it or he just have real skill.

The most common cheating was because, when you are 100 points personal rating below the team rating, the game considers that you are part of rating above you, so, what they did was, leveling (or paying a boost to level a team until 100 points below the gladiator cutoff) and then they pay BlizzCon players to pilot the team and ranking it up: So, the hardest points to get, they didn’t play for them, they just paid.
And the final day, these BlizzCon players make new teams (with high matchmaking rating) to face the teams that are trying to get a spot (and didn’t pay for it), so against a counter combination of classes it’s harder to win (of couse they’re amazing players too). That’s the way they secured the gladiator spots they sold. This actually happened in live stream with no shame at all.

This is bad for the game, for the competition and for the players.

If it was your first time trying to get a title legally, imagine losing it to someone who paid for it? It takes a lot of time to learn the game, to configurate addons and your UI, macros, weakauras, strategies, comps, and much more, we should deserve the rating we get.

We can’t consider paying these people to compete, we already pay our monthly sub and that’s enough.
This is not a rule of the game, this is a interest of a little group of players. We should not accept it.


Last season they performed nearly 0 DQs. Season 1/2 they performed a bunch. Please spend the time to DQ these boosts Blizzard. Ty.

On a side note, a handful of players team hopping doing +100 boosts for twitch gifted subs (RWT) should be banned and need to stay banned. Chan gets banned every single season until he messages his guy on the inside and gets unbanned within 30 minutes.

The corruption is unreal. 51% of the 3v3 gladiator spots are boost.

I don’t want to call names, but there’s literally a female player hooking up with one of the most prominent boosters to get boosted to R1 in 3s. If prostitution isn’t RWT then I don’t know what is.


So you’re telling me I get a girlfriend if I become good at arena??!


There’s actually an entire community of E-girls that hang around Elwynn Forest on retail looking to hookup with R1 players. I am dead serious.


Omg I have been playing wow wrong this whole time


How do you like posts twice?


This is actually the first post I start, I always read the forum but I don’t post unless it’s necessary.

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Surely after the fiasco of last season they’ll spend the time to investigate and DQ cheaters this time, right?


pls blizzard, lay down the law and stop this, it’s so unsportsmanlike i don’t even have words


Click on your little profile picture up near the top right, then select change character. Click through all the warnings about how you need to earn more trust levels, and profit. Or … something.


Nah, yOu esseNtiaLlY just get For free whAt everyoNe elSe has to pay for.

I lost hope in them in DQ’ing DDOSers, botters, wintraders and the like during S15. Like 3/4 of the Gladiator spots sans-R1 were known cheaters or boosts. I can’t remember the guys name, but there was a DK who took up like 10 Gladiator slots just kickbotting and melting routers. Nothing was done.


This season was crazy, one reason was the lack of control in season 3 for sure.


Snuts and Chan have been doing Rank1/Glad boost for over a decade now and haven’t been main account banned a single time. Still allowed to participate in blizzard events, tournys and given beta/alpha access.


They actually got banned every season of TBC, but were unbanned within 30 minutes because they know people.

The corruption runs deep


They are negative for the community.

  • If you want some advice, no answer.
  • Something your like from their UI in twitch, you have to pay for it.
  • If you want to get a spot, pay them too, so they don’t queue a counter composition and low your rating.
    Also, there was a Spreadsheet made by Snutz (showed it on Stream) with every name, ranking in Rank One spot in 3v3, so, if you want to get it, you better queue Skirmish (2-3 of them) after every game, hide yourself, otherwise they will queue a snipe comp.
    This is so corrupted.

I personally believe they need to fully overhaul the arena rewards system, the current system is practically a zero-sum game for area rewards. It’s also wildly top heavy for rewards. Gladiator mounts to only the top 0.5% of players means A TON of casual or semi-hard core players discouraged and uninterested in participating.

If the top 5 or 10% of players received a mount, or if the requirements changed for x number of wins above 2200, then yes cheating will remain rampant, but it won’t be as much at the expense of other players.

think there should be alternative rewards for the lower skilled playerbase, retails gladiator system has done nothing but make glad meaningless.

duelist should give a ground mount or something, but glad should not be anything but 0.5%


ur fav streamer cheats!


I mean, gladiator should be 0.5% for sure, the problem is who gets the rewards. You should deserve your rating, lower skilled playerbase have to improve to get it, make the ladder more competitive.
Problem is a lot of people are just paying, not making any effort in the game, and getting it anyways. So in effect, it’s not 0.5%, it’s like 0.2% (or even less lol), the rest % are just the same people selling boost and piloting teams.


Most of the boosting is solved with the removal of teams.

There will still be pilots and the odd self play, but it won’t be nearly as rampant as now. Then again, we literally had the boosters running stall comps on fresh teams with high MMR the last hour of the season to “lock” people into a long drawn out game to prevent them to qing up and grinding the last few wins.

The amount of teams with 1 person on them ~99 points under the actual team rating is just frankly absurd.


You know what are we talking about, actually, they don’t talk very good about you in front of the four hundred people who sees them (not many anyways, considering most are alt-tabbing the stream and not watching). Maybe you just don’t pay them, who knows.