I know the world is not fair, but I trully believe we can do something about it. So as the title says, this season went out of control.
We are all busy with WOTLK prepatch, but season just ended two days ago.
Some guy posted a spreadsheet on reddit and I checked it on the ladder (took me 5 minutes to check it). The conclusion was: 51% of the glad spots were sold by BlizzCon players (mostly in 3v3), so next time we see a gladiator title or a mount, we should ask ourselves if the guy paid for it or he just have real skill.
The most common cheating was because, when you are 100 points personal rating below the team rating, the game considers that you are part of rating above you, so, what they did was, leveling (or paying a boost to level a team until 100 points below the gladiator cutoff) and then they pay BlizzCon players to pilot the team and ranking it up: So, the hardest points to get, they didn’t play for them, they just paid.
And the final day, these BlizzCon players make new teams (with high matchmaking rating) to face the teams that are trying to get a spot (and didn’t pay for it), so against a counter combination of classes it’s harder to win (of couse they’re amazing players too). That’s the way they secured the gladiator spots they sold. This actually happened in live stream with no shame at all.
This is bad for the game, for the competition and for the players.
If it was your first time trying to get a title legally, imagine losing it to someone who paid for it? It takes a lot of time to learn the game, to configurate addons and your UI, macros, weakauras, strategies, comps, and much more, we should deserve the rating we get.
We can’t consider paying these people to compete, we already pay our monthly sub and that’s enough.
This is not a rule of the game, this is a interest of a little group of players. We should not accept it.