Sets stopped glowing a few days ago
Still an issue as of today
yep. im disappointed.
all the shadowlands elite and mythic sets are missing effects
Also having this issue, sadly. I hope it gets fixed soon, Shadowlands S1 Elite PvP set is my most favorite set in the game.
Still bugged.
my guess is this new 2.4k glow item you need is causing old elite sets to bug out and think you didn’t earn the set in the season its from
Yup, bugged on my end too. Mythic sets, pvp elite gear, all missing visual effects. Really hope they fix it soon.
Yo Blizz, Are we ever going to get the glow back or what?
I hope its a bug. Would be real lame if it wasn’t.
My sinful gladiator leather set doesn’t have glow either
Logged into my DK today and my glow effect is still missing from my Shadowlands S1 Elite set. Really hope they fix this. We grind hard in their game for a specific reward and to not have it really really sucks!
The glow on my sets have also disappeared and was so confused. Praying they fix and don’t let it sit forever.
Fix it blizzard, pls
Broken for me as well. Please fix.
The glow effects are fixed in 10.0.5, which will be live on Jan 25th.