PvP Rings Bug and Resolution

That’s amazing, can we get some fair play on queue times then :wink: It’s only fair! :slight_smile:

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If by fix you mean allow you to faction change to alliance then okay. Or reroll alliance. That is the only solution to this situation as Merc mode is unacceptable and toxic to the game making everyone unhappy. Keep these toxic systems in Retail.

Just enjoy TBC and make some alts or play another faction in the mean time.

The Que times are fine, especially for Ally. Come over to the fun side we have cookies.

i would swap factions in a heartbeat. what i will not do is reroll and essentially lose 200 hours of investment into a character


Y’all… it was 81 people, chill the heck out and let it be over with

Mind you it’s 81 people 99% of you will never be in their bracket either

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