Hotfixes: August 23, 2024

Hotfixes: August 23, 2024

Here you will find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to World of Warcraft: The War Within, Cataclysm Classic, Season of Discovery, WoW Classic Era, and Hardcore.

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Are you working on wake of ashes sometimes not giving you wings when talented into Radiant Glory?


i have dinner, it needs to be fixed too pls.
:fondue: :green_salad: :dracthyr_comfy_sip:


So warbanks still busted? Any idea if / when we’ll see those?


are you hotfixing bfa raids hp being 2.86x higher ??


this is the most conspiracy theory of all conspiracy theories but…what if…they are holding out on releasing warbanks until the actual expansion launch so they can call it a feature along with the talents we should be having right now

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Remix reputation?


Fix the character selection screen


Wouldn’t be surprised if they hold off on Warbanks until the 30th.

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If you’re doing hotfixes anyway just give enhancement their proper talent tree! It’s absurd!

And fix the auto-target shadow crash! The bolt doesn’t go to your target!

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Are we ever going to get warband bank? How is it this broken and not back in beta?

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… It is a feature? It’s prepatch. Features we get now are part of TWW, not Dragonflight. We’re in version 11.0.0.

Also, what, you mean Hero Talents? Why would you get them now? It’s part of the leveling process. Like the way we used to get abilities as we leveled up in a new expansion.

At this point I wouldn’t be surprised. The pre-patch is just for them to get the kinks out and there’s a TON of kinks.

big dog did you not see the the wowhead article about enhance shaman and ret paladin getting outdated talent trees not reflecting the latest beta build?

Fix enhance elemental blast for the love of god


There’s a blue post stating it’s not wrong and is intended. It’s not a “hold it to call it an expansion feature” thing. It’s already being called an expansion feature either way, because it is one.

Beta is still iterating. The newest beta build will be pushed live with the actual launch rather than changing things every week on live servers.

(yes, the logic on how they’re handling it is weird, that’s another topic though)

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All these major bugs but Im glad you spent time making sure Timber Lord is displayed correctly, keep up the good work. :roll_eyes:

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Nah those are gonna go the way of the Dance Studio. (I hope I’m wrong)

Sooo…virtually none of the “fixes” actually fixed any of the bugs that have been reported? Good gods I got out of WoW at the perfect time, I guess.

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Quote: " WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria

  • Adjusted the power levels of all Remix content to account for unintentionally increased difficulty with patch 11.0.0.

Even with this, quest in The Jade Forest " /script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(“\124cffffff00\124Hquest:29733:10\124h[SI:7 Report: Lost in the Woods]\124h\124r”); " SI:7 Report: Lost in the Woods is still broken. The mobs are so overpowered it is impossible. The bigger tragedy is that this quest is gateing so many others to follow it.