Pre-purchase The War Within for Some Colorful Extras

Pre-purchase The War Within for Some Colorful Extras

Add a zap of color to your Collection when you pre-purchase the Heroic or Epic edition of The War Within.

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Thank you for the 3 more new pets to collect now…

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Sorry if I’m being a little dense here, but just to clarify… you have added a few items (some transmog recolours and pets) to the heroic and epic editions? Is this only for new purchases or do people who have already purchased it have these quests/items unlocked now as well?


They couldn’t even put the right coloured gryphon under their respectable coloured transmog sets. Shake my head.

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These were always part of the package. Just not available until prepatch goes live.

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If you purchased it already, you already pre-purchased and will be able to get them.

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Ah I see… not sure how I missed that. :upside_down_face:


Oh neat! I knew wowhead datamined the pets awhile ago but the new tints for the gear is a nice bonus.

Wondering if the upgraded armor tints will be tied into dragon races with the birds again?

I’m glad that they’re letting us have the extra tints instead of locking them in “NPC-only” hell. I’ve been a little envious of the purple one since it appeared in one of the trailers.

From what the article says, it sounds like Kurden offers a quest that gives you the “base” armor sets, and then a followup that gives the “enhanced” armor sets.

The extra gryphon hatchlings are from a quest that you pick up from summoning Squally.

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Oh hell yeah, extra colours! For each of the different gryphon colours! We do love to coordinate!

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I like the darker more ominous red glow version

How about no.

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Oh sweet! I get more outfit colors, too?! :smiley:

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Will this be offered in some way to those who purchase the physical collector’s edition?

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How come the skins of mobs and some NPCs are extremely epic yet the skins for players look like outfits that only toddy whiskers would wear? You guys need to seriously rethink the design philosophies you got going on there… We have wizards, demonologist, engineers yet there remains little no exotic appearances except on NPCS and mobs. Please, look at some fan art for warhammer 40k, look at what player fan bases are modding, the design team is seriously stuck in 2007.


I think they were trying to go with a Void → Light transition with the gryphons but yeah I don’t know why they then didn’t do the same with the transmogs lol

These are some clown mogs Blizzard,

CEs always get everything from the lower editions.

Opinion is not fact. I like the outfits.