Pre-purchase The War Within for Some Colorful Extras

I assume the added goodies will be retroactive.

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I notice the note marker that used to exist saying next to the bonus ā€œTraderā€™s Tenderā€ saying the bonus was only once per account isnā€™t on the new list. Does that mean this bonus repeats per wow account on your account?

If we pre-purchase the base edition, can we get bland colored pets?

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Not gonna lie, none of those armors or pets are desirable to me.

Iā€™m going to be very upset if I canā€™t get the other Squallies because I pre-purchased the epic edition a long time ago, and this 3 new Squallies thing might just be a carrot to get new people to pre-purchase epic.

Nope you have to have Squally and he is only in the Epic edition of TWWā€¦

Your fine if you own the Epic Editionā€¦once in game summon Squally and begin your quests to find his friendsā€¦

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Gotta admit, was tempted for a secondā€¦ but itā€™s not worth paying a full 150 in my currencyā€¦

Confirmed. Can get the other Squallies even though I pre-purchased the epic edition a while ago.

Fix the character selection screen first

I donā€™t know, feels kind of good knowing I didnā€™t bother to pre-order after the disaster the pre-patch has been :sunglasses:.

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I was going to pre-purchase the base edition, but decided not to because of this latest patch. There are far too many bugs and awful UI changes. Iā€™m debating whether to bother with TWW until itā€™s heavily discounted. Makes me mad because I bought a six month sub a month ago for the first time. Lesson learned.

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Didnā€™t take long at all to obtain the other (3) pets. If you summon Squally, This NPC should give you a quest which is rather quick to obtain the other pets!

For the extra transmog appearances, You get the quest in Valdrakken. Best place to farm the quest item is by killing the NPC you can summon where the Fyrakk event is during the week. Gives 30-45 currency per kill for the quest! :smiley:

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Nice but thatā€™s dirty that the matching weapons were put on the TP at full price :man_facepalming:t5: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :v:t5:

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