Deploy the Murkmorpher toy to make a mighty morphing moment for yourself or your party members.
This is so cute little murloc boople babies I love it, especially the one with the monacle, you can tell he eats the fancy fish
Oof… another item for the store…
Would have been nice to get it in the game. Oh well.
It’s so stupid it wraps around to being cool again
Imagine paying real money for a virtual toy in a video game that you pay a monthly subscription for (after the fully priced AAA box price tag), and you can’t even use it two thirds of the time you’re playing.
But hey, some people will get a kick out of this.
cool item but not gonna bother with buying something from the wowshop.
you should have just put this into the game to be earned via achievement, rare drop, etc.
annnnd bought this too. yeah im a sucker.
Yeah what’s up with the CD? That should definitely be removed
I’ll wait till it’s 50% off during their holiday sale. I already got the other toy that way since I had blizz balance from purchasing a physical CE after I already bought the digital edition. I drop the ethereal transmorpher all the time in LFR and 5-6 people use it.
It’s Murlocin’ time!
i was gonna say murkin, but that has a slang definition that could get someone in legal trouble possibly.
Tooltip says “Transmurked. Murlooking good in your altered body.”
Definitely bought it. Very much looking forward to deploying it in raid on Friday and my entire guild be Murlocs during H Fyrakk prog.
Can it be dropped in unrated battlegrounds, or is it restricted?
Ok, blizzard is just playing dirty now.
I demand that murlocs become a playable race. This proves it can happen.
Then people wonder why gameplay is so poor and balancing doesn’t exist, more worth the effort to go after shop items rather than create good game
lol yeah people around here LOVE rare drops
Just stop with the toy CDs, lol.