Make Murtastic Memories with the Murkmorpher Toy

Murlocs are boring

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Not as boring as Orcs.


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Don’t close your eyes to the truth!

Fyr’alaugh, amirite!


Two shop items added on the same day that the Trading Post monthly items rotated? Odd

Oh god why.

Remove Toy CDs, earn more $.


Like me! It’s the simple pleasures of life.


just like the transmorpher beacon, i’ll wait til it’s like 5 bucks then probably nab it for fun.

Unless it lasts 20 mins and has a 20 min cooldown count me out. If there’s one thing i hate worse than fake hyping, it’s paying for a gimmick i can’t use all the time. At least make the gimmick worthwhile. I mean, 10 dollars is 1/7th the cost of an entire expansion price. Am i going to pay that to be a murloc 20 mins out of every hour?

No. Would i to be a perma murloc? Possibly if you catch me on payday in a frivolous mood.

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New toys
same weird CDs without a response from Devs
1 Hour CD
Why not 20mins buff and 20 mins CD?

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lol @ spending real money on (not-so) micro transactions

Oh look an awesome toy
oh wait. More arbitrary cooldowns that make no sense

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I cannot STAND that there is a duration on toys that change your appearance that is significantly less than the CD on the toy. That drives me up the frikin’ wall so hard.


I Just got the toy and did some quick testing for anyone that might be interested in buying this toy.
Using the toy deploys a magical murloc monument at your character’s location (the monument duration is approx 4-5 mins) anyone in your party (yes you need to be in a party) can use the monument to get a 20 min buff called “Transmurked” that changes your character into a random murloc form which lasts during combat and persists after death (you can die and return to life as a muloc as long as you still have time remaining on the buff)
Using mounts with the murloc form active did not remove the murloc form, I was able to use flying mounts, 2 seaters, my vendor mounts and dragon riding mounts all while in murloc form.
Logging out and in again with “Transmurked” buff active keeps your murloc form and duration only counts down while in game.
Druid forms do not remove the buff and I was able to use all druid combat forms and remain in the murloc transformation, Druid travel forms will override the murloc form till you leave travel form.
Shaman can use ghost wolf and keep the buff but ghost wolf overrides the murloc form till you leave ghost wolf.
You can use the dance and flex emotes as a muloc they have unique animations. sadly no murloc laugh though. I didn’t have time to test other emotes before I lost the buff.
During combat with the buff active other murlocs will spawn and follow you around. Your character also speaks randomly in say chat as a murloc saying “Mrglrglrgl!”
Clicking off the buff early or trying to use the monument again with the buff still active to get a different murloc look will give you a message that says: “The monument’s crystal ball is dim. You have absorbed your share of power from it
 for now.” and you will not receive a new buff even if a party member puts down a new monument of their own. I’m not sure how long you have to wait before you can use a monument again I’d guess 20 mins to an hr from the description above.
I was not able to test if different party members can chain use their monuments right after the 20 min buff drops.
I too like others here have expressed, don’t like the fact that this was added to the store and not just made available to us in game, it would have been nice to add this as a reward for a murloc based meta achievement or a secret side quest series. I also hate the difference in buff duration vs. CD of the toy. Just let us be a perma murloc blizz! I brought it though because the thought of doing a dungeon or raid with friends as a group of murlocs was just too tempting since we don’t have a playable murloc race
 yet lol.
note: there also seems to be some bug this toy because my alt shaman has been stuck in murloc form long without the buff even after deaths and log outs, I was even able to use the monument again which gave me a different murloc look then reverted back to the other murloc look I was stuck in after the buff timed out.


This proves they can charge for it.

Will this be around for more than a month? I can’t justify buying it this month when I bought the Twilight set.

Agreed we need them now been waiting long enough!

I’d love for them to explain to us the cool down logic behind any toy.

I mean unless it creates lag by being spammed, why have one?

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

Sames for reels

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