Let Your New Talents Shine in Dragonflight

Let Your New Talents Shine in Dragonflight

Learn how to make the most of the revamped Talent system, available with the Dragonflight pre-expansion update.

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Now to wait a month for my good passives


I do hope as time goes on the talent will be improved on and the starter build mature as a default system for those who don’t want to deal with the talent trees.


Why does Blizz don’t have an own Talent Calculator?


They do. It’s in game


Uhh, didn’t you just make this?

Lol. Let Your New Talents Shine in Dragonflight

You do realize that you can simply paste the build string in and run right? In other words, in less than 24 hours the internet will be plastered with people sharing their own preferred build string for this spec or that
 People “who don’t want to deal with the talent trees” and simultaneously feel that the “starter build” needs to “mature as a default system” , I might be wrong but won’t these people simply see / find a player that is already using the same desired spec and then copy/paste their spec build string into the thing? It is literally copy & paste, how much easier could it be? Here is my DEFAULTED FIRE MAGE IMPORT STRING:
B8DAHVkVsxxZrVqBmAzlSR2f7HISgIRSSRQ0kIiIEAAAAAAAAAAJhgARSEJJJJNAAAA and here is the one I was playing with yesterday dropping the AOE / Flamestrike points and trading them for hopefully greater single target DPS ALTERED FIRE MAGE:
B8DAHVkVsxxZrVqBmAzlSR2f7HISgIRSSRQ0kIiIEAAAAAAAAAABCiCJJRkkkk0AAAA to be able to copy and paste something as a small string of characters seems pretty easy to me and then it affords all of the other players the opportunity to have so much more fun by tweaking out their own specific play style / builds to get as much as they can out of it
 I think Blizzard hit a home run with this idea. Maybe I’m wrong


why the hell make it so complicated. geez.


Like all things new there is a frustrating learning curve. The amount of customization is worth the learning curve.


Current Talent Calculator on wow head shows Void Summoner on the disc tree as giving you the option to reduce cd time of Mind bender (1 sec) or Shadow Fiend (3 sec) when using smite mind blast or penance.
The issue is that the pre-requisite for this is that you have to take the mindbender talent first. (Maybe this has been addressed already in beta or will be addressed in pre-release; maybe not).
Personally: I do not run mindbender; but would love to atone with smite, mind blast or penance to reduce my Shadow Fiend CD.
Thank you.

Free respecs and multiple “loadouts” for your tree. Very nice.
GGG should take notes for PoE. Just saying.


Will these make Holy Paladin not horrible as hell to heal in leveling dungeons?
Damn thing is friggin’ awful man.


I like the new system, now that I don’t have to deal with stuff I find useless randomly showing up when I level, because I have the choice in what I want to use.

Another bonus for me, is being able to switch the choices, and being able to do it anywhere. Time to clean up my task bars and get a system working that fits the way I play the game.


Yeah. I have a feeling that I am going to have a bunch of different builds saved for various scenarios.


Some people hate the fact that they will have to change their talents per the content they are doing.

i personally think it makes it feel fresh
 you get to play with stuff on your M+ build that you wouldnt interact with on your single target raid boss build.

this is what makes runes in League of legends exciting cause you are constantly changing them depending on the setting instead of a 1 mold fits all and changing only 1 or 2 things per content.


I for one am really going to like the new talent trees as someone who doesn’t care about what is the meta this will let me create my own builds and swap until I find the right one.


Just name each loadout for each boss in the raid. Switch to loadout done, even easier than the old system


You can follow the starter build if you want to simplify it. Or just literally copy/paste whatever the masses declare is the best build.

I hate consecration so damn much.

Not really looking forward to the talent system until level 70. I foresee my characters being less powerful before then and then on par to today at 70.

Bad system to be honest. We’ve done this for the last 4 expansions already. Lose power, level, re-obtain power. Time to do it for expansion 5.