Yeah, halondrus is a good spot to nerf for the alliance HoF specifically. Horde already has ~250 guilds with a kill, but alliance is still sitting sub 50.
There is absolutely no way any guild takes 50-60 pulls to kill Halondrus after nerf. With the combined HP nerf you won’t even get a single reclaim. You skip first reclaim, skip second reclaim and can solo bombs in the intermission basically.
The fight has unironically gone from a 200~ Pull boss to a 5-15 pull boss. If you could kill lihuvim you kill this in 15 pulls now. The fight got clowned.
I think most of the guilds that will be starting prog on halondrus in the coming weeks likely aren’t guilds who do mechanics particularly well xD
But yea, with these changes the fight is a literal meme. Second intermission will still take some prog because there are actual bomb swaps even with 30s timers
They’re overtuned until you get your 4 piece. It really is night and F’ing day for alot of specs. Marksmen feels broken and worthless without it now that i have it.