Okay man . Stop trolling people when you don’t even understand how MMR works.
Should probably take your own advice here, champ.
What are you even talking about?
In the past 7 days over 200k rounds of shuffle were played with a total of over 34k different characters. In 3s we didn’t even see 20k games and not even 3k players!! So rss was TEN TIMES more active and popular than 3s alone last week! So how is it possible that the top players in shuffle are 200+ rating behind the top players in 3s?!
About blitz we saw 23229 games with a total of ~38k players. So despite the insane mmr difference between blitz and shuffle, bbg only had 10% more players than shuffle. That much about the theory of
Feel free to click onto the different leaderboards!
- 36412 players in the 3s ladder, 2876 played at least one game last week.
- 145028 players in the rss ladder, 34112 played at least one round last week.
SO how the HECK does that make sense to you? HOW could that potentially be, based on your “mathematical evidence” argument? Exactly, that could only be if something is artificially pulling down the mmr in shuffle!
Another evidence, since you like math so much? Check top 250 player in shuffle ladder, find the average mmr of those and determine the standard deviation from it. Also compare the average with the median!
You’re free to prove your theory whenever you want. Until then you are trolling.
i agree with this assessment. The elephant in the room is definitely SS in comparison to 2s and 3s, and to some extent RBGs. SS should not be the lowest top end bracket. it should be first or second based on player activity, and i only say first OR second due to the arena brackets having an obvious calculation difference from the BG brackets that are designed for less games and higher player count per game
Hirav accurately pointed out that it should be downgraded to a hypothesis. what he is saying doesn’t even deserve the title of theory
You can go on check pvp and go to activity and see where I got the data from I answered your question in that post. It was refering to lobbies and shuffle having slightly higher than twice the amount of lobbies than 3s is correct.
Go here:
Each lobby counts as 6 games. When you go 6-0 you get the same amount of rating you would get for 6 wins in a row in regular 3s.
But I did look on check-pvp and do you know what I found? In the past 24 hours, we had 11777 characters who played at least one round in shuffle but only 990 different characters who played at least 1 game in 3s.
That are nearly 12 TIMES more different characters who participated in shuffle, than in 3s! Seems like you divided that by 6 for no reason! It shows characters (players) not rounds versus games.
He tried to equate the MMR system with a bell curve when that is not that is not the intended purpose. Although, it could happen naturally, he has no idea if that’s the case when he himself admitted he doesn’t know the numbers. He was really confident in his own ignorance!
Surprised you tried to talk with the wall for so long. Hope you didn’t lose brain cells from him
Definitely some dunning kruger going on there yeah.
Apparently we like 11th grade math but not the scientific method, which sadly is required due to a lack of transparency from big momma blizz
Maybe I am misunderstanding what you are saying here but if i go 6-0 in a shuffle lobby I have always got 72 rating if my cr was at my mmr anyway. Usually in 3s when I am not low rated highest I ever got was around 20 maybe a little less cr if I beat a team that was a decent mmr higher.
My hypothesis is that people stop playing RSS and Blitz at 1600 or 1800 once they have the rewards, so there are less people to play against at higher ratings, so they don’t have anyone to climb over.
Whereas in 3s, people are generally playing for rating.
There are still reduced players after those breakpoints, but not as markedly so.
This is thought provoking. wouldn’t you think that the shear participation numbers would more or less smooth this out, especially with how accessible it is and it being such a great way to just play / practice?
this is almost definitely true. my only ??? is on whether or not its true for RSS
Which is around 12 rating per round. How much do you get in 3s, when your mmr is around your cr and you face a team close to your mmr? 14-16 maybe? But another evidence that shuffle mmr is not working as it should!
20 can happen when you beat a team that is like 70+ mmr higher than yours or something. But you also drop that much cr, when you lose to a team that is 70 mmr below yours.
I also added another part to my previous answer, maybe check it out. 12 times more characters played at least one round in shuffle compared to 3s in the past 24 hours. I guess you understood that part wrong and falsely divided that 12 times more characters with 6 for no reason?
Thanks for that post Boltinqt. Very nice.
So that 24 max change on a win or a loss has been around for over a decade. I saw some complaints about that in another thread and it’s basically always been the case. lol, that makes me chuckle, the system likely ain’t changed much at all in more than a decade and all these conspiracy theories abound.
What is the min/max amount of points able to be lost/won now?
There are 10,000 more players at 1600 than there are at 1700, the system which graphs them either can’t determine or doesn’t try, to remove players who have not played recently…
If they loosen the soft cap that they put on MMR gains that they added things would get better. I imagine this is what they’ll do eventually (hopefully).
That is one weird looking bell curve! lmao
This would make sense for the tier for pvEZ focused players. Ill definitely keep it in mind since it certainly is having some sort of an impact.
It’s not that it “can” happen naturally, It’s that it does. If luduslabs was still around I’d link that, but you can look at distributions using dataforazeroth in the post I linked.
MMR DOES create a normal distribution over the course of the season because some players are better and worse than others.
So you in all of your posts?
At the end of the day, it’s not about swole or Pifz. It’s about anyone else who reads the thread and wants to know why the deflation exists.