I agree 100% with why people may be ranking now. There are lots of reasons like this.
Also even in the days when ranking was a heavy intensive grind for most it wasn’t all “unemployed losers”. Many of the people I knew were doing it because they had serious health issues that kept them at home (and this was pre-Covid but even being housebound for Covid is a good reason to be ranking IMO). A few I knew had things like back injuries where they were off work for 6 months or whatever. I also knew someone with a later stage brain tumor who was ranking. Too many assumptions and judgments are made about people without any real understanding or care to understand.
This and the instance lockout including raids is by far one of the worst ‘changes’ you guys have done to this game by far. This isn’t a hotfix. This is a middle finger to an entire community of people working around a terrible system.
Why change something that nobody was complaining about? Why change this when there are dozens of far worse exploits, bots and hackers in the game that demand more attention? Why not address the underlying issue that caused people to do this instead? this is a very short sighted and terrible solution to a larger problem which is that the honor system is awful.
Blizzard really need to start doing what osrs devs did and offer ‘changes’ votes in a ‘no changes’ game. Rather than go an do it on a whim thinking it’s a fantastic idea when in reality it is terrible. This would have been downvoted to hell and back.
This is actually such an atrocious change, wow. You let people cruise to high ranks since release when the gear was more important, and now decide to randomly “fix” it. Doing this now only hurts the game at this point, literally no benefits. Grats to all the R13s and 14s who got it done early I guess. Thanks for prioritising this over banning the hundreds of botters / hackers per server.
What makes you think this is a good idea? My last 3 weeks of ranking were 100+ hour weeks before people started to abuse deleted toons adding to pool (still did pool parties, adding 1-2k people roughly, giving us about 9 br1 spots). I dont know why you would want to subject people to an awful experience that is 1. not vanilla accurate and 2. promotes toxic behavior and absurd hour commitments that could result in potential health issues (one of the people ranking with us had 3 sleep deprivation induced seizures).
Additionally pool parties will still exist just with non deleted toons, so the problem isn’t mitigated, you are just being arbitrary. Furthermore, if you intended to do anything about this “problem”, you’re about a year late… Go back to ruining Shadowlands and leave classic alone.
LOL what a joke. Blizzard is going to lose so much $ with the loss of subscription base. Stupid decision. Love to be in the room when they pitched this to shareholders with activisions $$$$ above all else policy.
The most stupid “fix” ever. I am not even going to try explaining why, people above me have already done that.
If you thought that pool parties should not happen, you should have fixed it 4 phases ago, not now.
People still fly hacking and teleporting but you are using your manpower to fix this…
What a shame. What a failure.
It was a pleasure fighting you during Generation 1. We finished the R14 grind during the same time (I ranked out in March) my 2nd R14 is currently Top RP on the server and after next week ill be finished hopefully but this news is insane and so sudden.
Nice change almost a full year later when everyone is getting AQ and soon Naxx gear lol. Let’s continue to ignore AV though while we push for more classic changes that no one asked for.
So instead of trying to fix or change the socially-irresponsible and addiction-fueling system that you create, you decide to take away the only solution the PvP community had to solve this problem?
If they fixed this in Phase 2, then you’d be 100% right and nobody would bat an eye. But this is 10 months late, when most people have already exploited the system to get their gear, in a phase when half of the gear is already redundant. It should be left as-is, and fixed on the next go-around when they release fresh servers for the game.
It’s just too late for this fix to do anything positive for the game.
Please, please reconsider going ahead with this fix. This would have been perfectly fine 10 months ago, but it is now too late. This change now does nothing positive for the community - it pulls the ladder up behind people that have already reaped the benefits for months and months, at a time when the gear is only a sidegrade from what’s available in PvE anyway.
If you’re going ahead with this, please increase the bracket sizes across all realms to compensate. People have used padding to work around an incredibly toxic and life-destroying PvP system, don’t force them back into it.
What a ridiculous change. Thousands of people benefited from this while the gear was still BiS, and now that its not you’re making this change? What a waste of time. Just leave it as is and do something useful, like lowering spell batching or fixing the bot issue.