PVP rank combatant or better

How the f do you rank up so I can upgrade my pvp gear?!
I get message “Earn the rank of combatant or better to have access to this.”

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queue for rated pvp, 2s/3s/rbgs
you need to form a group to queue for them

im a little bit sus that you’d have bloodthirsty/justicar and never done an arena before

addons and general recommendations to get you started in competitive pvp

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I hate arenas! I wll never do arenas but thanks for the info.


i feel you :stuck_out_tongue: i’m not a fan either

definitely rbgs for you then. ideally if you have friends or know a guild that runs them, or apply to groups that are listed as low cr alts high xp, etc. you should get to 1400 fairly quickly

there’s a tab under the pvp lfg where you can search premade groups for rbgs listings

Get ready to be farmed OP and wear a huge hat. You may fool the other guys that you are threatening .

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it’s going to be a little bit rough this far into the season :frowning: but don’t give up

Or do if it so pleases thee.
Far be it from another to stand in thy way.

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i dont know what this means :sweat: im sorry

english isn’t my first language D:

'Twas naught, just what I thought would be a silly addition.

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well i’ve been thinking about it and if it means don’t give up and do what you want, and don’t let others stand in your way to your goals, i agree :smiley:

if it doesn’t mean that, i probably still agree anyway because you make good points

Same with me, the rating system to upgrade is the worst part of this game. Last expansion I used to queue and grind for my gear doing random battlegrounds all day long. We’re talking everyday, several hours a day, and I stayed subbed just for that reason. It was fun and it was putting work in for your gear. They killed all of that fun with Shadowlands.