Pvp Question [Noob]

Hello everyone. I have an important question about gearing. I am starting pvping and learning my rogue. I see there is honor gear and conquest gear. Naturally conquest is better. My question is, is it important I waste my time fully gearing honor gear and then switching to farm rated for conquest and is it necessary to fully upgrade all that honor gear before replacing it? Thank you, give me best advice fully if possible. I am grateful for your help. <3

Edit: Also on the gear where it says “This item level is increased by X during PvP”. I know this is obvious for instanced pvp, but does this include world pvp engagements as well?

Yes, the +13 ilvl is basically in all forms of PvP. Toggling war mode on and off will show your stats changing (just watch your health as you toggle WM).

You can get Korthia gear that can be upgraded to 220 (at least until you hit research level 6 at which time you can upgrade it higher) along with honor gear. Several of the Korthia pieces had vers on them as well.

Don’t limit yourself to only farming honor gear. You will get conquest along your PvP journey and conquest gear is also upgraded with honor, depending on your rated CR.


Ty for your response! <3

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I would suggest that you do both. Hit your conquest cap / vault slots every week and then farm honor the rest of the time to get honor gear. If you can’t get the wins then focus on honor gear until you can.

If your renown level is bad focus on getting that up as well or you won’t be able to upgrade your gear very far.

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Okay, thank u hooligan.

Your priority should be conquest gear and getting 3 pvp gear choices from you weekly vault. Honor will follow.

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You can buy the account bound korthia gear if you have toons with stygia the vendor has them for 1k a pop and that’s a guaranteed a 200ilvl they are random items so it’ll help while you gear up for pvp and like the others said conquest gear will come in time

 This rogue was going to be an alt but ive been having so much fun with it I think it will be my new main. 
 Anyway, what I did to start gearing up was sent a bunch of Korthian Armaments to this char so that as soon as he hit 60 I would have at least ilvl 200 gear for him. After that I started to farm the honor gear (huge chore) and conduits which Korthia is also good for. I also got myself crushed in arena for 2 weeks just grinding out conquest for the gear and unlocking vault rewards. Another thing you can do is send soul ash from your main to your new char (bonesmith heirmir in Korthia) so I could have the 235 legendary immediately. Unfortunately Mortregar hasn't opened up yet so I still don't have my legendary but hey thats RNG for you.
 So basically, Korthian Armaments, as much conquest as you can farm and as much honor as you can farm plus a decently upgraded legendary