Pvp punishments

why are blizzard games the only ones without punishments for people trolling or afk in game? i play league of legends they give account bans temporarily for this play valorant same thing. play AoE4 they ban every single company and game does this but blizzard. they refuse to do anything that fosters healthy pvp.

punishments rarely work to modify human behavior in a way you intend.

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yeah they do. you cant have a single bg without half team afk on one side. only game that suffers from this problem.

if that were true then there would be no crime. we have increased punishments in society as part of being tough on crime, but crime didn’t stop.

the reason for this is people don’t actually think about the consequences of their actions before acting.

Less people have been afking in solo shuffle…sooo idk man

you can’t afk in soloshuffle without losing, no way for your team to carry you, as soon as you get identified as the weak link, you are the target of choice.

In the medieval times you got hanged for stealing livestock. You literally got hanged for stealing a chicken. Guess what did not stop people from trying.

Punishments work IF people do not believe they can “get away with it.”

The medieval times also featured a lack of surveillance and forensic evidence, so it doesn’t matter what the punishment would be if a thief didn’t think they’d have to serve it.

you assume people think their actions through when committing crime, they don’t. watch enough crime videos and you realize for most people the fact that they broke the law doesn’t enter their thoughts until after it has occurred.

CSI is a lie, most of that is junk science

Okay, let me use the WoW community as an example.

I’m sure you’ve heard of the prevalence of “bots” in various zones both in retail as well as Classic.
On the other hand, you almost never hear of players “hacking” in PVP (and I’m not talking about “bombs in Wintergrasp;” I mean actual cheating, like flying, kick-botting, speed-hacking, insta-killing, etc. with 3rd-party programs).

The reason is that Blizzard actually has a very good anti-cheat detector, while Blizzard has been notoriously slow to stop botting.
So even though the punishment for both is a ban, the fact that people think they can “get away with” botting has led to more of a problem with botting than with hacking.

Now you might re-iterate with “players are trying to hack but they’re just getting caught before they can do any real damage, so it’s just survivorship bias,” and that might be right, but even if it is, what’s the difference? Punishments are still leading to a reduction of hackers which improve the game experience.

reduction in hacking is from fixing the bugs and exploits hackers use.

I’m not talking about exploiters.
I mean people who use 3rd-party programs.

bot accounts are just proxy puppets, that account gets banned leaving the main account alone. its why the threat of an account ban is irrelevant.

a lot of the people banned recently for cheating in pvp were for RMT carries, either buying or selling. people who bought carries with gold(tokens) were fine.

The main account therefore thinks they can get away with it.
If blizzard was able to track and ban the main accounts, you’re saying people wouldn’t be more discouraged from botting?

If blizzard allowed RMT carries, or adopted a “it’s not allowed but we’re not gonna enforce it” policy, you’re saying there wouldn’t be more players engaging in RMT?

it would take me less than 5 minutes to get around that.

im saying the people i know who got punishments for purchasing carry services for real money didn’t understand what they were doing was wrong until they got an account ban, it didn’t stop them as they went on to do it again the next season and ate a second ban for character driving the mage tower.

Assuming they came back to WoW, you’re saying they would “keep doing it” because


I’m sure they understand now.

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There is a 15min deserter which is more than enough for casual PvP.

You can’t ban peoples account for casual play unless they are legitimately cheating/hacking. It’s BGs my man come go and do what you want in there because it’s casual friendly.

  • If you want to fight on the roads, do it!
  • If you want to dance mid field, do it!!!
  • If you want to test some macros in a BG then leave, do it!
  • If you want to just farm KBs and ignore objectives, do it!

It’s your money that you “Pay a sub” for and you can play HOWEVER you want in a BG.

Stop trying to make this game so annoying it loses the last few people playing. Worse punishments just causes less players and doesn’t fix anything. It’s not a solution.

it wont completely irradicate it but it will stop 95% of it. most people do not steal because of punishments. we shouldnt just let people ruin pvp without punishment. why do we have rules in a society if nobody follows them? most people follow them most of them. your argument makes no sense lol