PvP pool size lottery! 600g prize pool!

The B14 rankers are running a lottery to boost the pool size this week. Just get 15 HKs on any character and meet me in-game or DM me a screen shot and your name will be added to the drawing, current prize pool is 600g. Please do as many alts as you can to boost our pool size for the week! Everyone is welcome to enter and you can enter on as many characters as you want. Tell your friends outside of the guild to participate as well.

We’re doing this lottery as an incentive to motivate people to do 15 HKs on every character they can, and to make it feel like your time spent is worth something even if you don’t normally PvP.

It’s really important for our PvPers that our bracket size goes up this week. If we get enough Earthfury will have 3 Grand Marshals on Tuesday! Please consider participating and good luck to everyone!!!

Hey I have 15 hk :point_up_2: