PVP players. Will you be rolling Horde or Alliance, and why?

Lol warstomp.

Doesn’t compare to the alliance racials.

Alliance racials negate classes.

No racials negate a class. They just give you an edge every ~2 minutes. I’d say warstomp is underrated but the biggest draw to horde racials is orc 25% stun resist and wotf (even if it only works vs warlock warrior priest)


Sure, the horde population took off. After vanilla. They were outnumbered in every aspect of the game on the majority of servers in vanilla. The introduction of the blood elves changed things.


Apparently WotF negating two classes and Hardiness reducing the stunlock potential of a Rogue (and anyone else reliant on stuns) doesn’t count.


Best racial for horde is out in BC.

Classic racials alliance win.

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U listed 2 things that negate certain classes I listed 4…

And I didn’t even mention perception and human weapon specs.

Alliance wise Nelf Rogue, Dwarf Priest+Warrior, Human Paladin+Mage, Gnome lock and skipping hunter.

Horde would just make things easier so im opting to be in the sub par faction.

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Arcane Torrent is good, but WotF is still considered one of the best PvP racials ever made - behind EMfH, but the immunity is huge. And Hardiness is also very good.


To add on this, people need to remember all the RNG stun procs that were in vanilla. Blackout, impact, mace specializtation, and improved concussive shot. Resisting one of these can be game changing. And if you are rolling horde you will naturally be dealing with paladins hammer of justice - a big stun to potentially resist. I believe you could resist an engineering bomb stun as well which is a big deal for avid pvpers.

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Stone Form and Escape Artist (and potentially Expansive Mind for minor spell resists) spread out into 3 points, what about this is 4 things? Even if you go by how many classes you claim to be countered by just Alliance racials, I’m only counting 3 here.

Hardiness counters paladins and rogues, WotF counters warlocks, priests and warriors.

This is abject nonsense.

How can anyone believe this?

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And then the orc pops his other racial and gives himself a 20-25 sec mortal strike lol…

Which simply means they have to be careful when they use it. If a warrior pops it with no healer around then it won’t make a difference. It’s a decent damage buff.

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paladins can only heal in vanilla

And burning down the target they’re fighting. If there’s no heals coming his way, it’s a free DPS racial.

Really pointless to debate this. If I counter with anything you just counter with a scenario that benefits the Orc and never hinders them.

I will be a dwarf priest, can’t wait to kill you all in classic.

Racials are all situational, there really is no “best” but I’d put my money on dwarf every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

Happy to see some Druid love on here. People are really underrating them on these forums I’ve noticed.

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Steak is better. Even Undead know this!

Dwarves have beer. Sack Ironforge and Alliance will be fine.
