PVP Outlaw Rogue Help Needed

Hello, i have watched videos on youtube and looked up information on what gear to get for pvp, i know my gear is not the best right now. I try to do what i think is the correct rotation but i feel that i hardly do any damage. Would anyone be willing to help me with this? I also just started doing arenas as well, i am not very good at it,


hit pvp dummy. stack versatility for big number, or haste and crit for sustain dmg

I wouldn’t recommend haste

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If you need help finding gear just go to check pvp and look up the top outlaw rogues. Tldr you want zero haste try to get to 35-40% crit and then fill the rest out with mastery and vers.

Guide can explain anything else you want to know for the most part. Could always hop on twitch and try to catch kalvish or some other rogues playing outlaw for more tips also.

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I feel like outlaw damage is more of a priority system, and BTE is only used in the burst when shadow dance or subterfuge is active.

You could replace mastery with versatility… Feels like a damage increase too.

So Versatility/Crit (35-39%)


Yea either or.

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Outlaw Rogue has zero pressure at the moment.

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Whatever you do, do the opposite of this guy.

Stack crit to 40% then vers + mastery. Roll the bones + adrenaline rush + Blade flurry + BTE from stealth = big damage.

Out of stealth, roll the bones + adrenaline rush + ghostly strike + blade flurry + blade rush + killing spree

If your damage is low, you aren’t using 4+ combo point spam BTE from shadow dance / stealth / vanish

Or just go assassination with mastery and spam garrote + max rupture on every target in sight, go afk and do 5x the damage and kingsbane + death mark your kill target and keep doing the same thing.

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