PVP opinions Horde vs Alliance? Which side is THE pvp side?

Buddy was asking me which side is more serious about pvp in cataclysm. I have played classic and SOD and didn’t play much of WOTLK.

It would appear the Human racial is the way to go for pvp but I could be wrong. What do you fine ladies and gentlemen think?

as far as pre-patch is concerned, it’s 100% alliance as far as bg’s go. Who knows, things might change when the season starts and there’s rbg’s and arena, but as of now, alliance are stomping horde on the daily with their sweaty premades. every bg i join is one that’s already in progress and the whole team sitting at gy.

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Feral best race is NE so they can smeld restealth
Rogue is NE for restealth or Human 2 dps trinks
Hunter is human or orc for same reasons
3 most popular physical dps ^ their teammates pick ally because these guys wanna be ally.

Fire mage/afflic/wizards etc for RBGs like the double human trinkets as well for max damage. Horde has good defensive options: tauren, undead while ally has dwarf.

The iconic human female with a ponytail original tryhard is a thing for a reason lol.

Most of the popular specs benefit more from alliance racials. I main horde with friends, but have alliance alts. You can still push any title you want with either faction.

Hows boomy in cata pvp

I play both factions everyday and I gotta say the Alliance premades I’m encountering are like insanely sweaty lol

Nothing I hate more than a female human mage played by some neck-beard soyboy jumping around trying hard. Makes me mad bro.

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Depends on what kind of PvP. For BG’s, horde all the way. They have a drastically higher win/loss ratio (except for AV). For arena/competitive PvP it doesn’t matter so much, though I’d say horde have slightly better racials, but probably a miniscule difference.

Most of the day Alliance dominate bg’s due to them bene boys ™ Premades. Then early morning Arugal enters the picture on horde side since it’s pacific time and the aussies premade as horde. That’s only about 30 percent of the 24 hour period that’s dominated by horde, so you’re best going alliance if you actually want to win during the most common hours of the day.

When it’s arugal vs Bene boys, arugal steamrolls them hands down. But the two servers really only converge on each other during weekends when it comes to the sweaty premades. So skill wise, horde dominates, but horde also does not like to group up so they lose more too.

I’m not in the premade scene because premades are cancer, but for solo queueing horde wins substantially more games than alliance.

Perhaps you have better luck because prior to faction changing on my main I had a one in three win ratio after like a month of farming bg’s. The worst one was strands win ratio, with about a 2 in ten win ratio. Those bene premades were everywhere. Now I win MUCH more.

Its great. Especially in s10 when legendary staff is in the game lol. They are high demand for rbgs & have some fun 3v3 comps. Spicy chicken, LSD2, Dancing w/ stars, even stuff like DKBoom+heals is strong. Very viable all around. Its a little boring imo because the spec everyone runs involves dotting everything and waiting for procs to throw out instant cast starfire or whatever the spell is called. I play feral on my druid.

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