PvP officially dead?

Fun in game is not in the hands of Blizzard, but the player. That is to say, this game will never be “fun” because “fun” is different for everyone. For half the people playing the game is “fun” when they play the current busted spec.

Great example is to ask people what season they think was the best and why, in terms of fun.

For the most part yeah that’s fair to say

Blizzard still has more control over this than they and even the players want to admit

Okay yeah a big chunk of WoW players are terminally online and are their own worst enemy. But if your sheep player base is flocking towards extreme balance outliers to get their fun-fix, maybe don’t let those classes run wild without tuning for weeks/months at a time? Foolish thought i know

Which season was it for you and why?

S1 SL was inflated due PvErs joining PvP for gear.

There’s a pres higher cr than every hpal with like an 80% winrate and dannycarrys rdruid is about tied in cr with the highest hpal.

I think people are being a little over dramatic about this.

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Random/epic BGs are poppin’. I have seen posts saying the numbers playing Blitz and Solo are very high. (I personally think rated should just be arena, 2v2, 3v3 and bring back 5v5, but whatev, it is what it is).

I’m not too certain where the sky is falling stuff is coming from.

Q up, get your pvp on.

Good Post OP!

When the majority of players (player base) at low ratings are going on 10+ losses in a row, they can literally play all evening and nothing but losses. Power farmed by money boosters and smurfing gladiator premades… It runs off the player base. ALL stick, NO carrot.

Thats what happened with solo shuffle in dragonflight, even the streamers made videos saying Dragonflight is the best expansion ever, they dont know why participation is soo low… As they laugh checking their bank accounts.

If rating and MMR / rewards are easy to obtain via any spec regardless of their current balance due to inflation being ratcheted up, do you think you experience as many people flocking to those broken specs? Or do you think people will maintain their “main” since even if they’re kinda bad, they just get the rating eventually anyway because top of ladder is 3600?

S15 because I met a bunch of my current friends and started posting on the forums saying really dumb stuff like “Its harder to land a sheep than any other cc in game”. Yet a bunch of higher rated people helped me learn and adjust and get better. Its where I saw myself get the best at the game up to that point.

I also earned my red weapon enchant that season, 2200 in 5s and closed out my arena master.

Second would be WoD s3 as its where I hit my first glad title being above a cutoff + got my 2700 with the same people I met in mop. Its where I noticed my 2nd big “jump” as a player in terms of climbing / skill expression.


Three points to increase arena participation.

Efficient and quick onboarding
If new players want to try WOW PVP they should be able to jump into the action without needing weeks, perhaps month, of leveling and grinding gear. Honestly, compared to former expansions, TWW does a pretty good job of making pvp accessible from a leveling and gear perspective. The main problem currently is optimizing pvp gear is fairly complex, and if you make a gearing mistake the system is unforgiving in allowing players to fix it. It also seems like Blizzards pvp gearing tutorial is basically, ‘go watch youtube videos and figure it out.’

Better PVP Rewards
There simply needs to be more pvp rewards, especially at the lower tiers. This reward system also should update monthly. IE, win 100+ rated arena / shuffle matches, and earn this mount, or xmog, or title. Keyword I want to emphasize here is monthly. These monthly rewards should also be Feats of Strength to really make them attractive. If you fail to acquire these rewards while they are live, then you missed out.

In regards to titles like Gladiator it’s fine at 2400 with 50+ wins. This was one of the better changes they made imo. I don’t believe it’s a net positive if major pvp rewards such as titles and mounts are immensely hard to acquire. In this context gladiator being the top 1% - 2% is still exclusive but also difficult to achieve. A good balance imo.

Less Micro CC
No class should have 3 second CCs outside of DRs and kicks. I honestly enjoyed WOW PVP more when CCs were longer and required cross CC to even land.

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I forgot to add one additional point.

Decrease que times
I know sometimes I don’t log on and play because the thought of sitting in a 20-30m que for a ‘quick shuffle’ turns me off. Healers should receive unique rewards and feats of strength for healing. If healer participation can be increased via rewards and a meta that is more enjoyable to heal within, que times will decrease and overal player participation increase. I can guarantee you hundreds++ of players have stopped playing already because of the 20min+ ss ques.

PvP balance this xpac is extremely bad.

Ever since the release of shuffle, 3v3 was doomed, it was just a matter of time. The last time I pushed 3v3 was in Shadowlands S1 where I was climbing pretty quickly until one of my teammates decided he was bored and quit the game which also caused me to quit. I have absolutely zero desire to sit in LFG trying to find people that aren’t 1400 hardstuck “multiglad exp” players. Now with blitz there is even less reason to play 3v3 because I can queue both shuffle and blitz and just play whichever one I get first. They need to treat shuffle like the main game mode, which it is, and give us legend mounts.


OP we can thank Blizzard, for whatever reason they are unable to stop the premades, and RMT Boosting from taking over pvp.

Another dead season, it is what it is.

I love the current fast gear upgrade system and playing Blitz,shuffle . Please don’t take it away.

Even if you take them all away, I still wouldn’t want to waste time forming 3v3 and RBG groups.


Why do you always have the worst takes? What do you get out of it?

No friend or guildie wants to ever waste time in lfg. No, the one off chance of finding “your true longtime arena partner” is not enough for me to suffer through queue, get accepted, get kicked on the first loss, repeat.

Blizzard won’t get rid of shuffle and blitz those two are their highest played brackets right now for pvp. I wish 3v3 had a lot more participation like those two have but you don’t need to worry about Shuffle and Blitz going away.

Have you found any actual numbers, just curious. Queue times don’t seem bad to me, ,but I wouldn’t be surprised if participation was much lower. I’d say the bigger issue is there is tooo much content and the already dwindling player base is being spread even more thin.

I’d also be curious to know if participation started the same but has fallen off because of all the issues with MMR, cost/time to gear, etc.

I don’t think rewards are going to move the needle. Fixing MMR and achievements might some, but honestly… the game just isn’t as fun as it used to be.

Way too much to follow in PvP and the insane amount of slows/snares and roots is tilting. Casters who don’t cast anymore, way too many immunities, too many specs with 4-5+ major defensives, etc.

It’s a consistency issue. The massive variance between seasons for both rated PvP and M+ kills motivation. Going from being a 2200 player to an 1800 player isn’t fun. Doing +15-20 keys and now being stuck on 8-10s isn’t fun.

I legitimately don’t understand why they can’t grasp this.

Classic should have been a short term event or integrated into retail. Permanently fracturing the player base was one of the dumbest things they have ever done.

That’s a complicated request. Queue times are culmination of everything. Tossing healers more rewards doesn’t fix it.

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CUz the truth is the truth.
TWW is a bust and people are already bailing on it in droves.
Once busy guilds are now barely active. Once busy cities like Dorn are now ghost towns.

we would probably have more participation if every single class wasn’t completely self sufficient. Nothing like wanting to send your damage but a warrior will reflect, stun, stun again, fear, bladestorm reflect kick before you can do anything to him.