PvP needs spell batching or the meta is tarnished

I completely agree.


I’d be careful talking about this topic, seems like blizzard and one of the CM’s is silencing the original person who brought this up.

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If Blizzard didn’t want us talking about this, they would have locked the thread. What they do to the OP is on the OP, not the conversation.


had zero to do with the topic, notice how the other thread nothing happened to the person who started it?

Holy crap, now I know why stealth felt so broken for all those years. I also know they were telling the truth when they said fixing it would take some basic rewiring in the code!

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Now the argument is changes vs no changes.

The laggy barching system was probably due to technical limitations and I would say it needs changed for the game to work like it was intened to, but limited by technology. In the example provided, someone would not have died. In my self- interest, rogue skills would work properly.

I suspect the quality of play would be much better as well for most other players in most other cases. It definitely needs to be discussed and decided.

Still looking for Blizzard response on this subject.


Just thought I’d post this here.

Yesterday I made a thread titled “Why is Blizzard Censoring People?” and the thread linked to a video made by Alexensual where he went through a bunch of evidence of a Blizzard CM lying and trying to censor Xjum. Turns out they locked the thread and gave me a twelve hour suspension for “trolling”.

The suspension is nothing but it’s just funny how Blizzard seems so determined to get rid of anything that isn’t praising them.


probably because the CM wasn’t lying? If they were censoring then why is the thread still here, and why is another thread on the subject still up?

Everyone who gets actioned always swears that they are innocent, and never believes what they said actually breaks the CoC , also newsflash you don’t have freedom of speech on a private companies forums, you want to participate all you gotta do is follow the rules, it is really easy to not get actioned.

also fyi-discussing a forum action is also a no-no, and that isn’t a new addition to to CoC.

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They reverted regen. They can revert the tick system too.
No changes. This is the price to pay for working backwards from Legion. Or is it the cause?

Real talk I will eat my own feces if they actually bring this back. That’s how confident I am that it won’t happen.

I guess whether he’s lying or not is open to interpretation as no one but the actual CM in question knows. It just seems awfully strange that a GM can’t find anything that would warrant Xjum to be banned so he unbans him but then not longer after he receives another ban with absolutely no reason given.

Just seems odd to me that Blizzard would ask for the communities feedback to help develop this thing but silences anyone who is somewhat critical of them.


So only the CM who some seem to not like is lying and the GM is beyond reproach and could not possibly be mistaken? The reason would seem to be pretty clear, the GM was mistaken and what was told to begin with is still true.

Their forum software has been substandard for years and even if not, mistakes undoubtedly happened, they for sure happened after the switch over as a few people who were banned were able to post, among other posting errors.

So if errors like that happened now, you betcha they have always happened.

Not all since that isn’t what happened, ill repeat if it was true, why is this thread still here, with the OP intact and another thread on the same subject also not deleted?

Give all the feedback you want, but you still have to follow the same rules these forums have had since they opened.

Your thread was locked because it was talking about an action taken on the forums against a player by the CMs. That’s not censorship, that’s following their own rules.

Whether you think Xjum is innocent is irrelevant. The CMs banned him for reasons other then the one trying to be claimed. If it was for the topic of this thread as he claims, this thread would have been locked.


There was a post that used Hillary as an analogy and responded with a Trump analogy. It wasn’t offensive at all. I was banned and they weren’t even though they started the thread. It’s insane how much bias there is in anything online.


He got banned in 2011, then when the Classic forums were created in 2017, banned users were able to post, even though they were banned. You’ll notice in all of this he had no known posts from the moment he was banned till 2017, when the Classic forums were created. He messed up and called someone a name and when they looked into it, they realized he was on a banned account.

Not really much of a mystery. His thread is still here for all to see. He can easily make a new account, and come back if he so chooses, or he can keep posting on Reddit.


Lol this stuff was so OP in Cata, I believe Bladestorm was taken off of GCD if I recall which meant I could storm important kidney shots.

It might have some utility for vanilla but I’ll understand if they don’t recreate it, in the future blizzard just needs to build abilities to be more nuanced imo. Classic won’t suffer that much from the loss of it, everybody can still use engineering to tighten the gaps in 1v1s and as for larger scale PvP nobody is really relying much on small stuff like batching during chaotic fights.

A CM claimed that was what happened, yet a blue responded to him confirming that his account received no actions for swearing or threats EVER, and there were no actions against him in 2011. We’re not sure where the CM got his info from, but even Blizzard is saying that CM is wrong and OP is innocent.

Here’s proof at 7:19 - https://youtu.be/EHUUU_P0bjo?t=439

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Thats not proof though, you automatically assume the GM was not mistaken, and assume the CM who some seem to not like is the one who is wrong.

And they are BOTH Blizzard.

so theyre both wrong? what the hell logic is that man

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