Given that they didn’t do a pass on these before the patch, expect to see some craziness. I think the biggest outlier will probably be warrior, given that it had high pvp mults already and got really large +damage buffs in the patch. Notably for arms, it has a negative mult on MP and + mult on base mortal strike. They are nerfing martial prowess and buffing base mortal strike in pve, so this will make the -mult on mp less effective and the +mult on base ms more effective.
Marks hunter is back at 11.0.5 because they never merged its last pvp buffs into the ptr, but pretty much everything else is left alone.
you must be new here. Warrior has some of the worst negative pvp modifiers of all specs, dating back to S1 DF that have yet to be modified. Arms specifically. Most of the talents in the tree are nerfed by 66-80%
Well the reason the warrior tree is so nerfed is part and parcel with the PvP multipliers already on it. Not saying it’s good or bad but that’s why mortal strike is +55 and martial prowess/ep are 66/33. They made the pve profile more like what the PvP profile already was and didn’t change the PvP multipliers.
No not at all. I don’t pretend to be better than I am. Just saying the pve numbers have changed drastically for a lot of specs that already have pretty heavy PvP multipliers. The marks thing is just specific because the November 26 hotfixes to live PvP tuning didn’t get applied to its 11.1 ptr build at the time (and never carried forward) and it’s the one I was paying attention to. Blood dk one shot thing also got fixed in that round.
Fury and arms warrior still have all of the same PvP modifiers and just take a look at their patch notes. Fury goes without saying. Arms probably needs a lot more readjusted between base modifiers in both directions to make sense. Martial prowess and executioners precision probably don’t need as heavy of nerfs any more but mortal strike also probably won’t need a +55% base modifier either. Same probably will end up going for aimed shot and rapid fire once everything else is nerfed and it gets properly tuned for pve.