PvP macros? Help me save buttons

I am just plain out of hotkeys. What macros do you run that may combine two or more abilities? I don’t yet know what all is off the GCD but looking for any way to trim down my spell bar and combine useful abilities.

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A huge thing I started using recently was help/harm macros, which change depending on whether you’re targeting an enemy or a friendly.

I bound:
Flash Heal and Smite/Vampiric Touch together;
Shadow Word: Pain/Purge the Wicked and Renew together;
Purify and Dispel Magic;
Shadow Word: Death and Power Word: Life;
Heal and Holy Fire;

And in addition to that, I put my Emblem/Battlemaster trinket in a macro with Desperate Prayer. Just these cut down on a lot of binds for me :slightly_smiling_face:


Genius. I’ll have to look in to this on my Disc.

So idk how much it will save you keybind wise but i tend to use auto-targeting macros, so for example I can just hit flash heal while i have an enemy selected and it will automatically heal my partner, if I add an alt modifier it will heal me, ctrl modifier to heal a different teammate. Its very similar to arena 1,2,3 macros except its specific to the people I actually play arena with, since I play with the same ppl constantly.

Cuts down on a lot of actually having to click, or mouse over people during an intense match.

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Please tell me How do I do this?!? One of the reasons I stopped using dispel magic is because I can’t figure out how to combine the helpful and hurtful one into one button. I need this macro. I don’t know why it was ever separated in the first place. In tbc and wrath it’s one button. This is thee most annoying thing about retail WoW. There was no reason to separate dispel magic info 2 separate abilities.

Here are my macros:
BM trinket/prayer:

/cast Crimson Aspirant's Emblem
/cast Desperate Prayer


/cast [help,nodead] Purify; [harm,nodead] Dispel Magic; Purify

Smite/flash heal:

/cast [help,nodead] Flash Heal; [harm,nodead] Smite; Flash Heal

SW: Pain/PtW/Renew

/cast [help,nodead] Renew; [harm,nodead, known:Purge the Wicked] Purge the Wicked; [harm,nodead,noknown:Purge the Wicked] Shadow Word: Pain; Renew

Holy Fire/Heal

/cast [help,nodead] Heal; [harm,nodead] Holy Fire; Heal

SW: Death/PW: Life

/cast [help,nodead,known:Power Word: Life] Power Word: Life; [harm,nodead] Shadow Word: Death; Shadow Word: Death

Whatever’s put after the last semicolon is what shows up by default when you don’t have anyone targeted.

Wow those look amazing I am going to integrate these for sure. THANK YOU for sharing!

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you can take these a step further by also adding in mouseovers. I also have an out of combat condition on mine so I can use it to rez as well

Renew / ptw
Flash heal / mb
Shadow fiend / pi
Life grip / mc
Dispel / purge
Pwlife / swd