PvP is ungodly awful right now

There is far too much mico cc and random PvE-centric stuff in PvP. The sheer number of soft & hard CC is the highest it’s ever been in all of WoW history and it makes the game very unfun. If we could just have some nerfs across the board to how impactful CC is this would be a massive step in the right direction.

There are plenty of other gripes, including how complicated certain buffs & debuffs are, ability bloat, and just overall “noise” of the PvP experience, but if we could just start with the insane CC rates it would be the biggest step in the right direction.

I really want to enjoy Battleground Blitz and other cool things in TWW but this is a massive barrier to me enjoying that.


I have almost finished all of the pvp criteria for open world content available.
Over the course of every crate fight and pvp WQ I am being killed by every single person within one 6 second stun.

It doesnt matter which level 80 alt, how much pvp gear I am starting to amass. I die before the stun is up.
Its not every 5 minutes. 10 minutes.
Its every minute and a half or less.
By the time I get back in the fight some times. I die when they are in range.

Its not engaging. Its an awful model, considering these people dont even have much gear yet.


Yeah and frequently when I mention this all to people who don’t play PvP I’ll hear “oh you just need better gear” or “That’s just the way it’s always been” - both of which are not true. No gear will break you out of how much CC is currently in the game, and WoW definitely used to not be this complicated in Classic Eras through to MoP. Even with all of the complications of classic PvP, items, buffs, resists, hit %, etc - it’s still about 1/10th of the complexity of retail.

And “complexity” is okay, but to a certain point - right now it’s pushed past a game to master to a game that’s just obnoxious. We’ve kept layering on PvE effects, passives, buffs, CCs… all for dungeon content and it’s completely ruined PvP.

It’s time for a complete separation of the systems, ideally standalone PvP talent trees or something would be preferred - if we can’t do that then a massive pruning of the PvP soft-CC metagaming would be a good start. Players all across the spectrum of every skillset have asked for this. No amount of giving us new BGs or content augment the underlying experience. It’s like getting new flashy cars but in every one the motor is flooded and stalls out for 6s very frequently.

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