That even all the awc streamers just flat out quit or would rather sit on a 20 year old classic video game auto attacking mobs… heck even nahj who hasn’t even logged out in 22 years is now forced to get a real job because how little viewership he has because of how poor the PvP design is. Wow is officially dead and infested Chinese botters cheating in arena because they aren’t allowed to play it there. Sad times
True. The amount of bots/cheaters in arena is outrageous rn…
Nahj having low views is not because retail is bad.
Just saying
Fair enough. Game still blows though.
Retail is so bad that I’m surprised he doesn’t have more viewers for wearing kitty socks sitting like a gargoyle. He deserves more.
Video killed the radio star.
this made me laugh out loud
cant stand nahj dude cries so hard about sub or complains about other classes like crazy as a sub/rogue main…like do folks in the r1 community make fun of him for that?
What grinds my gears is losing 10 matches in a row, and then finally winning one, and the rating gain dose not even cover half of what i lost
So… a net -9 leaves you negative? That makes sense, no?
I feel like this really isn’t happening o.O
Winning games on average rarely equals out the losses.
Just random numbers but it sure feels like you need to win a lot more to offset a few losses point wise.
If you win as much as or more than you lose you almost always always ALWAYS go up in rating.
cheaters ruin the pvp. but, pvp will never die, if you are not in arenas you are figthing in opem world. for me the most importan of the pvp is the wolrd pvp.
I think most people who believe they’re encountering a cheater are just not understanding how something works.
really? you dont need be too smart to notice who is cheating. if you know how to play notice cheaters is in extreme easy.
and the worst is that cheaters are shameless, and the most of the time they dont hide what are they doing. because they usually never are punished.
Mr. Haurut, show me a vod of a single cheater in one of your shuffle games, please!
i cant show my recorded videos, but, you can find since people who just is trading, and they are in discord, in solo shuffle, they die purposely, until people who use hacks, they ress by they self, they use skill no abailable for they class, etc etc.
You can if you upload them!
None of these things are happening, though.
What happened to the old Haurut that didn’t make excuses and talked about his classes strengths instead of complaining
I don’t think this is “complaining” per se, and he has always talked about “wintraders” in shuffle.
I think it’s just a legitimate misunderstanding of what’s happening from the perspective of a newer player.
I think it’s just a legitimate misunderstanding of what’s happening from the perspective of a newer player.
That could be and I guess I never noticed the win trader comments. I started to type out stuff about perception bias but erased it as I cba to have this discussion every time a new challenger appears on the forums claiming win trading.