PVP is officially dead

PvP has been dead in this game for over a decade lol

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It’s not balanced this early in the expansion. I agree they should do some tweaking with rogues and marksmanship, but PvP has been reinvigorated in SL. I’ve been BG farming like never before, can’t wait to get in to arena when it opens.

Btw, saying ‘PvP is dead,’ before the season even starts, is dumb…

Got you to post though didn’t it?

Ha Ha Ha Disarm go brrrrrr…

Don’t dispel a Dark Soul Unstable Affliction then I guess? Literally the only thing aff has going for them rn. Thats just not knowing game mechanics lol

Dead game that has esport championships i watch regularly…

Im thinking this is more about someone being undergeared in a new expansion and just blaming the system as a whole.

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werent there test servers up for a while?

did nobody realise mm and sub were overtuned then?

why is it a surprise now lol

they knew and they kept it that way going live… shame.
dunno how long they’ll enjoy it tho :wink: i can already see the shadow of the nerf bat coming their way heh

every starting of an expansion has seen many specs doing really good, from wotlk dk and rets, cata feral, mop hunters etc etc etc

a fast paced meta is way better than a slow dampering fest

dying in a bg to a ranged class means nothing either, ranged specs like hunters have always been good in bgs, especially when ppl just tunnel vision

sub rogues are really good atm, one of their biggest offender is drest, a bfa trinket that have no right be in shadowlands, pair it with the crit lego and its hard to survive one opener

we all have cds that we can use to survive burst damage, if you die to someone and never used cds to survive, the problem is on your side

there will be tuning for some specs, i just hope they don’t go too far and turn viable specs into trash or the other way around and recreate the equivalent of bfa destruction warlock or what they did to enhance in bfa s1

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didnt you read? prot pallies are 100-0ed through their 50% wall within one stun lol

even if you trinket out of it and manage to survive youll just die in the next cheapshot, no biggie.

and i think you fail to read what i said, for example you talk of prot paladins

  • prot paladins and tank specs takes more damage when engaged in pvp combat
  • prot have access to 2 immunities, the first being bubble wich can pretty much negates shadowblade and kyrian ability and the second require you to use guardian of ancient queen pvp talent that makes you immune to damage

okay dude sub rogues are fine you win :wink:

i love wow forums :wink:

No, the prot pally did not die 100-0 through a wall btw, don’t believe that.

The prot pally most likely got 100-0’d but over 4 seconds and only had wall up for the last 25% of his HP because he didn’t recognize the rogue had CDs and also didn’t want to wall the opener because he is a BFA baby and expected to live forever.

He also could have used one of his 3 bubbles to live

debate is over sub rogues are fine its everyone else that sucks



A Tank thats equally geared as the attacker will not die in a stun.
But an undergear tank in like full green vs some that almost full mythic 0 would and should.

In fact its the other way GEARED Tanks are dam near unstoppable.


yeah because we have guys like you who refuse to read what people say and kill your poor arguments, i never said rogues were fine, its the interaction they have between tools like the crit pants lego and drest that is ridiculous and should not be happening in shadowlands :roll_eyes:

i think youre a sub rogue. thats what i think :slight_smile:
who cares tho. time will tell who was right.

sits back and waits

I mean… if you die to a rogue opener its because

A) they were playing crit leggo with drest, which will be fixed
B) its the first week of an expansion and no one has defensive trinkets or any vers
C) because you refused to react when a rogue popped 7 major CDs on you

I have Q’d probably 200 games this past week, Qing into many rogues, a few who play above 2700, and there are a ton of ways to stop their burst as long as you work with your teammates. What this thread is, is a 1400 player refusing hands down to learn the game and get better

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i am posting on my main toon, keep living with your illusions

appreciate it :slight_smile: thanks

Gotta LOS meng!