Pvp is legit broken right now

It isn’t the player’s fault, in this case.

It’s the game’s design.

Randomly generate me a team with a perfect comp, and stack your premade with 8 warriors.

I’ll probably wreck ur face.

Unless the other two members of the team are devoted healers, which they probably would be, because you got to hand select them.

It isn’t appropriate that hand selected teams are facing random ones. It shouldn’t be this difficult for you to understand.

Classic was always going to be a broken game and it’s painfully obvious with how gaming culture has changed how superficial of a game classic really was.

Some things made it worst, but at the same time they were also necessary. Like mega servers and layering. Without them we’d have x100 abandoned realms we have now. Yes, lots of people are still playing the game, but an enormous amount quit many months ago, and they aren’t coming back, because well, classic is a transparent game, and it only really fits a niche audience. Most people still around are just waiting on aq/naxx, if those two raids didn’t exist nobody would be here now.

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What a bunch of nonsense


This system is hilarous and so are the players playing it. A real PVPer would mop the floor with an epic geared player wearing nothing but a T-shirt and a Mug O’ Hurt.

I mean, you’re playing a game where people of incredibly imbalanced servers think that completely driving the opposite faction off the server makes them hardcore uberskillers soooooooooooo…yeah.

I agree with the xrealm cmplaints. It changed the feel of PvP for sure.

And that can be argued endlessly, but the problem is that many servers were near 50-50 but one side (horde) has far more PVP oriented players that are willing to spend 10+ hours out in the world pvping.

My server was basically the closest to 50-50 for the first 3 months of classic. Then phase 2 dropped and the 5-6 largest alliance guilds left within 2-3 days because they were PVE oriented guilds and didn’t want to PVP.

How many people signed up for alliance PVP but didn’t want to PVP?

We’re seeing it in the queues, there’s way more horde players that want to PVP; it just is what it is.

And Blizzard knew this would happen because the incentives of the PVP system basically favored the worst behaviors.

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That’s a big truth right there. A lot of people thought they wanted a PvP server because its where everyone usually goes. The moment phase 2 dropped people realized they prioritized world buffs and clear times over WPvP.

Granted even a 60/40 on these mega servers is a big number difference when it plays out in the open world, but the lengths people go to for their world buffs and parses is the main reason people just dont want to PvP.

Haha, the list is so long that Im not sure they did much right about it originally and they warned us about low priority in changing/improving Classic.

PvP is not broken.

It’s time to look inward.

Premade are ppl and pugs are ppl. Players are not going to give a trophy for doing nothing.

If you go afk, ghost walk, or hide you’re the problem. Why Q? To put others through half playing team?

So, have you ever played tag? When ppl were faster than you did you just stopped running?

You might be average and some ppl are better. It’s ok. If you Q and u stop running you are not average anymore. Even the ppl that cannot run will get you.

It’s better to try than not try at all. So, if your not going to try do not Q. It’s very simple.

I always look at as it’s better to die a failure that tried, than a coward that has done nothing.

Next time you Q why not just give it your all. Hope other’s do the same. Instead of you can’t replace it with I can.

You are more be more.

Just means you don’t wpvp on when you run into a raid, you still get wpvp / bot killing when you do open world stuff.