PVP is in the best state in a long time!

1400 takes 10 wins. It’s extremely easy. You have no idea what you’re talking about.

i think you’re forgetting you need renown for 197 ilvl lol. you’re getting 22 renown levels in a day?

The biggest flaw in multiplayer pvp games is typically the upper echelon feels entitled to 1-shot, rofl stop, and otherwise butcher the public. This is the case for literally every pvp game in existence. It’s their form of fun, the same way it’s fun to 1-man an old raid and stomp your way through grey mobs. It’s their power trip.

There’s no defending it. It’s a guilty pleasure that’s lacking in empathy and regard for the situations that others are in who have a competitive spirit but literally have better things to do than feed egos.

What’s unfortunate is WoW pvp in particular has designed that perfect power trip environment over the course of 15+ years and have virtually eliminated everyone else that has a different opinion on the matter. I’ll bet you people who actually care for a skill-based, not gear-based form of pvp for wow have LONG given up their voice in this type of conversation, which is why these forums flare up with whiney arena players that want to keep a grasp on their meme builds and their 6pm unrated BG ganking groups with their “friends”.

Hopefully 9.1 will be where they begin to make things right, eliminate the toxicity, and actually put their mantra “Gameplay First” into their PVP.


until i was shown the gear pathing i doubted it as well. its possible. i did it and lots of guildies are doing it

Glad 1 person likes the current state of PVP.

To me and all my friends it’s dead to us.

Worst it’s ever been.

Done with it.

this is how it feels at the moment, sadly.

da wae…